Do you acknowledge the Magic or label it as a Mere Coincidence?

The other day - while randomly reading a few quotes on the internet I came across the word ‘ Utopian ideal’ . Something hit the extra curios humanoid inside me(will explain what a humanoid means in some other post). I remember roughly reading it somewhere but couldn’t recollect. I consulted my good old best friend ‘google’(appArently we both celebrate our birthday on 27th September)
So what is Utopian ideal and what does it mean? Utopia -is an ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects. 
 In life we put things in basket and make it ideal and significant. We have utopian ideas about jobs,careers,relationships , life blah blah. And to create the Utopian reality we forget what we are and what we can create. In reality we are much beyond this Utopian ideal
I found an entire book written by none other than Gary (Gary Douglas- the founder of Access Consciousness) and the content seemed too good exactly what I was looking at.

Super excited I went on amazon and ordered.’Beyond Utopian ideal’ The book was scheduled to come by 19th Feb. However with the kind of person I am I wanted it now .And for a moment I asked the Universe what will it take to come even sooner. A day later I got the message my book has been shipped and will be arriving by 19th February. Still happy with it though wanted it right now😂(if you know me well you know how I am - right?)

Now the magic started. The morning of 15th - I got a message “arriving early - your package from Amazon” - and instead of saying wow what else is possible- for some lame muggle reason I said - no way thats not possible (yes - happens with me too sometimes - I picked up someone’s thoughts probably that magic is unreal). In the next 10 mins I got another message “package delivered to and signed by ashwini chube” . 

I rushed to ask my family if they received it at home and they said No.  The package did not arrive 😱. I immediately went downstairs to ask my Society security guy if anyone from Amazon came to deliver a package or if he received and he said" no one came here mam". Now I started getting more nervous and out of sheer logic and practicality started behaving like there is no magic . I got more worried because I had already paid full  amount for the book to amazon. 
Now next I went on amazon website to find the customer service and bash them up - but none of the numbers were reachable. I atleast involved 7-8 friends to search amazon number to ask about the book. I studied Amazon website and app too diligently in 1 hour (much more than what I studied for my 10th 12th and MBA together) to find where to trace the book or launch a complaint.I went to a conclusion that someone took the book and since I had already paid stole it(why would someone do that - but my logical mind was dominant here - so logical and practical).This was such a panic situation and simply not me. And then a voice in my head said - calm down Ash - dont act so human- you can create magic. Use the tools!
I calmed down and took a breath and asked- I dont care where the book is. Reverse it back to amazon and give me my book.What will it take for the book to go back to amazon from wherever they delivered and come back to me now? I started using all access tools and in exactly a minute I got a call from an unknown number.
The person at the other end said he was from amazon and due to the system error they made a mistake and they ll deliver my book in an hour.Voillla !!!
Now I just said “How does it get even better than this ?!”
The book got delivered in an hour exactly The book is just fabulous and such amazing insights!

Well but why did I write the detailed story? What is it that exactly I wanted to share
1)My book came to me on 15th (4 days earlier) only because I asked for it - so it was magic
2) It got misplaced because I had doubts and did not trust in the universe and its magic 
3) The panic made the situation worse 
4) The moment I went back to magical thinking I got my book

Well many readers may argue that whats the magic in this? It would have still come. Many would say the phone call coming at that time was a coincidence.But I believe our point of view creates our reality. The moment I doubted it went back. I had 100 reasons to doubt and think practically. 
And the moment I believed it came back to me like a f****ng magnet 😀😀. How doesn’t it get any better than this?

Have you lost something? Ask the universe to deliver it back to you! What is yours will always be delivered to your doorstep .No matter what. Just trust- keep faith -don’t doubts and find magic everywhere you go.
Love to my readers

Ashwini Chube is a Corporate motivational speaker- trainer , wellness coach , Zumba enthusiast and founder of Unicorn Insight Trainings 
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