From Finance to Fulfillment: Manifesting My First Dream Office with Unicorn Insight

 In the sweltering August of 2015, my career path took an unexpected turn as I found myself navigating through the promising corridors of three different investment banks. The interviews, one after the other, unfolded like chapters of a suspenseful novel, leaving me with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The pinnacle of this professional odyssey came during my interaction with a boutique investment bank. Four rigorous rounds of interviews later, I stood on the precipice of a new chapter in my career. The Managing Director, in a moment that felt like the turning point of my professional life, assured me that they were ready to roll out the offer within the next seven days. Their urgency was driven by the prospect of having me on board to contribute to an upcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO). The gravity of the situation resonated with me, and I felt the weight of responsibility mingled with the thrill of opportunity.

Fueled by the excitement and confidence instilled by the MD's words, I made a bold decision – to resign from my then-current position at RBS. The future seemed to unfold before me like an unwritten script, and I was ready to embrace the next act of my career journey.

As I handed in my resignation, I couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism coursing through my veins. The prospect of contributing to an IPO and the confidence placed in me by the boutique investment bank created a sense of purpose and direction. It was a moment where the convergence of preparation and opportunity painted the canvas of my professional aspirations.

The next seven days became a countdown to the potential unveiling of a new chapter. However, life, in its unpredictable nature, had other plans. In the midst of my anticipation, a profound twist unfolded – a twist that would test my resilience and redefine my understanding of professional trajectory.

Unexpectedly, a month later, life threw a curveball in the form of a family emergency. My father's health took a sudden turn, demanding immediate attention and reorienting my priorities. The rollercoaster of emotions that ensued transformed the imminent job offer into a distant concern.

Amidst hospital corridors and the emotional rollercoaster of my father's recovery, the promise of the job offer lingered in the background, becoming a symbol of the delicate balance between professional ambitions and the unpredictable nature of life.

Little did I know that this unexpected hiatus would be a period of profound spiritual growth and self-discovery. The delays in the offer letter and the uncertainties surrounding it became a metaphor for the unpredictable nature of both personal and professional paths.The offer letter never came over .. 

My father miraculously recovered amidst the chaos and prognosis. The months leading up to Christmas became a testament to the extraordinary strength embedded within our family. Against all odds, my father not only survived the life-threatening emergencies, but he also defied the experts' expectations. By the time Christmas arrived, he stood on his own feet, walking independently, a miraculous feat that left the very experts who had foreseen a different fate utterly shocked.

Three days after the twist of fate with the boutique investment bank, a beacon of opportunity emerged from an unexpected source – Bank of America. A trusted friend and colleague had extended a recommendation that led to a swift series of interviews. The first three rounds sailed smoothly, each step bringing a sense of familiarity and confidence, especially considering the M&A role in the UK markets mirrored my past experiences.

As I prepared for the fourth and final round, the prospect of joining Bank of America within the next 2-3 weeks seemed like the logical progression in my professional journey. The stars seemed to align as the role, the market, and the timeline seamlessly aligned with my expertise and aspirations.

However, as February unfolded, an unsettling silence replaced the anticipated crescendo of a job offer. A week passed, then another, without a word from the prospective employer. Growing anxious, I reached out to my friend who had championed my cause within the organization. Her response added a layer of uncertainty – they needed more time and assured me that they would get in touch to present the offer.

Two more weeks elapsed, and finally, the call I had been waiting for arrived. However, instead of the expected celebration of a new chapter, the news delivered was a stark contrast to the optimism that had fueled my anticipation. The entire project, including the role I had interviewed for, had been abruptly shelved due to new cost-cutting regulations. The organization, grappling with unforeseen challenges, decided to put a pause on hiring, leaving me in professional limbo.

The reality of the situation sank in as the call ended. The role that had appeared so promising, the timeline that had aligned with my plans, all disintegrated with the stroke of unforeseen circumstances. It wasn't a rejection based on merit or qualifications; it was a casualty of external factors beyond anyone's control.

The disappointment was palpable, but amidst the initial sting, a glimmer of resilience emerged. The journey from the boutique investment bank to Bank of America had been a rollercoaster of emotions, a testament to the unpredictable nature of the professional landscape.

The next steps became uncertain, as the organization conveyed that they might revisit the hiring plan in the distant future – a vague promise that left me hanging in professional suspense. The months that followed would unfold without the clarity and direction I had sought, forcing me to navigate the ambiguity of an uncertain job market.

As the echoes of disappointment lingered from the unforeseen turn of events with Bank of America, a profound realization settled in my heart. It was a moment of clarity, a fork in the road where I had to make a pivotal choice between two divergent paths—my established career in investment banking and a budding, yet deeply resonant, calling to be a healer, coach, and therapist.

The juxtaposition of these two worlds—one driven by financial markets, mergers, and acquisitions, and the other by the subtle energies of healing and personal transformation—was stark. It was a choice that went beyond professional titles; it delved into the very core of my life's purpose.

In the midst of this contemplation, life presented an unexpected yet promising opportunity. Three individuals sought to learn Reiki from me, drawn to the energy and knowledge I had cultivated as a Reiki Grandmaster for the past two years. While I had never envisioned myself as a Reiki teacher, the universe seemed to be guiding me toward a path aligned with healing and spiritual growth.

February 2016 marked the beginning of a new chapter as I embraced the role of a Reiki teacher. The decision to share my knowledge and guide others on their healing journey was both empowering and humbling. The classroom became a sacred space where the exchange of energy and wisdom unfolded, transcending the boundaries of traditional education.

Teaching Reiki wasn't just a career pivot; it was a manifestation of my life's purpose. The healing arts, coaching, and therapy became the pillars of my newfound path, providing a profound sense of fulfillment that transcended the confines of the corporate world. The decision to follow my heart and embrace the role of a healer-coach-therapist was an affirmation that life's twists and turns often lead us to where our true essence resides.

As I navigated this dual existence of financial expertise and spiritual guidance, I discovered a harmonious balance between the two seemingly disparate worlds. The skills honed in the fast-paced environment of investment banking complemented the intuitive and empathetic qualities required in the realm of healing and coaching.

The journey became a dance between numbers and energies, spreadsheets and chakras. It wasn't a rejection of one path for another; instead, it was an integration of diverse facets that reflected the multifaceted nature of my own being.

As the anticipated offer from Bank of America remained elusive, I decided to pivot towards a different facet of my skills and passion. Eager to share my knowledge and help others grow, I pursued a Train the Trainer certification with Dale Carnegie within a month. This step marked the beginning of a new chapter in my professional journey—one that would intertwine teaching with the spiritual practices I had embraced, such as Angel Therapy, Violet Flame healing, and Chakra balancing.

The decision to become a trainer wasn't just a means of financial stability; it was an authentic expression of my desire to guide and uplift others. Armed with my certification and a genuine enthusiasm for the art of teaching, I embarked on a journey to explore opportunities in the training domain.

However, my foray into the job market as a trainer proved to be a humbling experience. Armed with a middle-class mindset that valued hard work and determination, I believed that my training and passion for the subjects would be enough to secure a position. To my dismay, the reality of the job search turned out to be harsher than expected.

Interview after interview, I faced rejection and insult from interviewers who questioned my lack of formal experience in the training realm. The very enthusiasm that fueled my decision to become a trainer became a point of contention, with some interviewers dismissing my genuine passion as insufficient in comparison to their narrow criteria.

The job market's refusal to acknowledge my potential as a trainer became a personal and professional challenge. The insults and dismissals stung, but they also fueled a fire within me to prove that genuine passion and a commitment to growth could transcend arbitrary metrics of experience.

In the face of adversity, I refused to be disheartened. Instead, I channeled the rejection into fuel for my determination. Undeterred by the naysayers, I continued to hone my skills, expanding my repertoire of healing modalities and refining my teaching techniques.

The rejection letters and disparaging comments served as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. Each setback became an opportunity for introspection and improvement. I sought feedback, fine-tuned my approach, and persevered in my quest to find a space where my passion for teaching and spiritual healing could be embraced.

Deep within the recesses of my being, a silent knowing whispered that I held within me the potential for something extraordinary. Yet, the contours of this immense capacity eluded my conscious understanding. The revelation emerged after a profound spiritual transformation that unfolded over the course of the last three to four years.

In the wake of this metamorphosis, the landscapes of my interests underwent a radical shift. The once alluring realms of stock markets, investment banking, and finance, which had captivated my attention for over a decade, lost their luster. I found myself standing at a crossroads, grappling with the realization that the path I had trodden with fervor no longer resonated with the depths of my soul.

Despite the innate knowing of my potential, the prospect of returning to the familiar territories of finance became a dissonant chord in the symphony of my evolving self. The flame of passion that had once burned brightly for financial markets had dimmed, replaced by an unyielding desire for purpose and authenticity.

The idea of returning to the world of investment banking, donning a facade of interest, was inconceivable. I was no longer the person who could engage in endeavors with only half-hearted dedication. The authenticity that had fueled my past achievements demanded an alignment with my true calling.

Yet, as I navigated this transitional phase, I grappled with the emotional tumult that accompanies profound change. The echoes of extended family and friends, who couldn't fathom the shift in my trajectory, reverberated with ridicule. To them, my decision to step away from a conventional career path and delve into what they deemed "nonsense work" seemed unfathomable.

Amidst the external skepticism and internal uncertainties, a seed of resilience germinated within me. In May of 2016, I took a leap of faith and founded Unicorn Insight. The mission was clear—to make a difference in the world by offering motivation, support, and guidance through the realms of Spiritual Sciences, Metaphysics, and Energy.

The birth of Unicorn Insight was more than just the establishment of a venture; it was a declaration of my commitment to authenticity and purpose. In a world that often measures success in conventional terms, I embraced a different metric—one that prioritized making a meaningful impact over financial gains.

The journey wasn't without its challenges. The transition from the structured world of finance to the ethereal landscapes of spiritual sciences required not just courage but an unwavering belief in the authenticity of my path. It meant weathering the storm of doubt, both internal and external, and standing firm in the face of societal norms.

As Unicorn Insight took its first steps, the resonance of my authentic calling echoed through every endeavor. The skeptics were replaced by individuals seeking inspiration and guidance. The ridicule transformed into acknowledgment, and the unconventional path I had chosen revealed itself as a gateway to profound fulfillment.

The story of founding Unicorn Insight is not just a narrative of career transition; it is a testament to the transformative power of following one's true calling. In embracing authenticity over conformity, I discovered a path that not only made a difference in the world but also resonated with the deepest chords of my soul. The journey from finance to spirituality wasn't just a change in profession—it was a metamorphosis of the self, a journey toward a life aligned with purpose and passion.I started working from home . I would also use my uncle’s and aunt’s family business office and see clients there

Then came year 2020 and the world shut down. But what looked curse on the surface became a boon for me and my business. In the midst of the chaos that was 2020, a year marked by uncertainty and challenges, an unexpected twist of fate unfolded in my life. Little did I know that amidst a global pandemic and lockdown, I was about to embark on a journey of manifesting my dream office studio.

It all began with a redevelopment project that was set to transform my house. As the construction progressed, I found myself with more space than before. One particular room caught my eye—an extra bedroom that seemed to whisper promises of potential and creativity. The moment I stepped into the half-constructed house, a realization dawned upon me—this room was destined to be my personal office studio.

In 2020, while the world was grappling with the effects of the pandemic, my business experienced unexpected growth. The challenges of the lockdown had prompted innovation and adaptation, leading my endeavors to flourish in ways I hadn't anticipated. The prospect of expanding and taking my business to new heights was both exciting and daunting.

As I stood in the midst of the construction site, envisioning the possibilities of my future office studio, I felt a surge of gratitude for the growth my business had achieved during such tumultuous times. The room, with its half-painted walls and echoes of construction, seemed like a canvas waiting to be transformed into a space that resonated with my entrepreneurial spirit.

What added a touch of magic to this unfolding story was the view outside the window. To my pleasant surprise, the window faced the bustling business district of Mumbai—Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). And there, standing tall and majestic, was the Bank of America building. It felt like a sign, a nod from the universe affirming that my dreams were aligning with the energy of success and prosperity.

The construction process became a journey of anticipation and excitement, with each day bringing the dream office studio closer to reality. I poured my intentions, hopes, and aspirations into the very walls that were being raised around me. The room began to take shape, reflecting not only my professional ambitions but also my personal growth.

Finally, the day arrived when I stepped into my fully constructed office studio. It was a moment of pure joy and accomplishment. The walls were adorned with inspirational quotes, and the space was infused with the energy of creativity and productivity. The window that faced BKC served as a constant reminder of the thriving business district and the heights I aspired to reach.

Looking back, I realized that the journey of manifesting my dream office studio wasn't just about physical space—it was a manifestation of resilience, growth, and the unwavering belief that even when things don't go as planned, the universe has a better, more magnificent plan in store.

As I sat at my desk, overlooking the vibrant cityscape, I couldn't help but marvel at the serendipity of it all. My dream office studio, born out of unexpected circumstances, stood as a testament to the power of intention and the beauty of embracing the unknown. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary chapters of our lives unfold in the midst of chaos, and every setback is an opportunity for a grand comeback.


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