Ten Simple Steps for a beautiful day
Thank you, God, for another day, and another chance to be my Highest Self. Thank you for this life and for the wonder of this moment. Thank you for everything that has ever happened to me, is happening now, and ever will happen. For all of it has produced the perfection of this next breath, and the glory of Who I Am now going to be. Amen, and amen.
2. Smile
Smiling actually sends chemicals racing around your body and actually lifts your spirits.
Try this today. Then, every day this week, smile five times a day for no good reason. Do it sitting in traffic. Do it standing in the shower. Do it walking down the street, or working at your desk. For no good reason, just break into a smile. Watch your mood change, even though nothing in your exterior has shifted.
3. Sing
It makes you feel great, happy and full of life
4. Write or read something sacred:
This is true especially in the morning.Spend first 10-15 mins after you get up in reciting/reading/writing a holy verse
5. Forgive:
Removes all the negativity. Forgiveness dissolves guilt and anger
6. Think of your Beloved / Whoever is closest to you right now, and prepare a present for that person in your heart and mind, offering it to him or her before the day is out. One every day.
7. Close each day with a recital to your Beloved: "What I am grateful to you for this day...", and offer a verbal list of those items, describing each in detail.
8. Move through your day knowing that you walk with God and that God walks with you, and that another human being is going to be coming to you this day for whom you will have a gift in your hands. You do not know what that gift is right now, but it doesn't matter. You will know when God brings that person to you.
9. Do something courageous and outrageous thing every day. Then reach out and get whatever life has to offer this day. Take it with gusto, for it is your gift from life!
10. Be good to yourself this evening. Give yourself some small treat, whatever it may be, and pamper yourself in this way, saying "thanks" to you and to God for the wonderful experience of living fully this day.
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