Enjoy your life like a princess

Every woman should do something for herself as she is special in her own way.Every woman is beautiful and charming in a different way.

Try out these  things for a better life ladies..

12)Meet ,talk to your friends who encouarge you
11)Laugh Laugh and Laugh.Crack silly jokes with your buddies ,Watch comedy shows on TV show like FRIENDS ,How I met your Mother,Khichdi or stupid funny flicks like golmaal returns and laugh out
10)Buy flowers and keep them on your desk
9)Have atleast one friend at your workplace with whom you can have  a wonderful conversation..after all we spend most of the time at work
8)Meet your Gal pals and Gossip;bitch about every bitch u know:-))
9)Tell your Boyfriend/Husband how much you love him..
7) Hit the Gym or Go for Aerobics/Yoga/Swimming..sweat it out and drink loads of water for that glow Go for a jog early morning or in the evening to watch sunset/sunrise.Listen to some music on your ipod/phone...soothing to ears and heart
6)Drink Coffee/Tea just sitting by your balcony and think about its flavour,aroma,taste
5)Soak your feet in warm water and put some Rose petals in it.Put aroma candles around.Go to a parlour and get a Massage or a facial done.Feel pampered
4)Tell your Mom-Dad & Siblings how much you love them,it will make you happier
3)Eat chocolate/cheese whatever makes you happy.Dont think about the calories then..Its okay if u jog/gym regularly
2)Go shopping..use your dr/cr card..buy the stuff u like and which makes you look sexier
1)DREAM..dare to dream..bigger and bigger everyday and visualise them turning into realities.Show your middle finger to those who don't believe in your dreams,they never had their own.Those who cant dream are already dead;)

You are special..never ever feel down..Live every moment to fullest..

Cos life is a celebration!!


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