Sarcasm - Do you need to reconsider kindness?


Sarcasm at Workplace and in Relationships 

Do you know- People who are Sarcastic and are so called thinking they are ‘smart’ or ‘super intelligent’are actually angry, insecure, or cowardly.
This was as per a study by Psychology Today .

Contrary to what the internet may sell - Sarcasm Fundamentally,  is a cover. It’s used to cover anger, envy, or inadequacy that, without the anti-sugarcoating of sarcasm, feels too forthright. 

The origin of the word sarcasm derives from the Greek word “sarkazein” which literally means “to tear or strip the flesh off.” No doubt Sarcasm is only used to belittle someone. Despite smiling outwardly, many people who receive sarcastic comments feel put down and often think the sarcastic person is a bully or overall just a j**k

Sarcasm traditionally means saying opposite of what you want to say and then either saying “ just kidding “ or even making a straight fave. 

Have you really felt ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’ after you really did not understand a sarcastic comment by someone in your workplace or in extended family. Or worse felt even helpless and shattered after being made fun of?

You are not alone - I have been there done that. And I was given all judgments from being “too sensitive” to “toughen up” and “ chill maar na”

Sarcasm is a subtle form of bullying and used to make the target person feel bad about himself/herself.

No Sarcastic people not necessarily have an high IQ. Infact most high IQ folks aren’t sarcastic too. Many times Sarcastic people continue being sarcastic and keep making others feel helpless or victims or on the other saying they are being Witty. But there is a difference between the both 

According to Dr Clifford Lazarus - Thus, the main difference between wit and sarcasm is that, as already stated, sarcasm is often hostility disguised as humor. It can be intended to hurt, and is often bitter and caustic. Witty statements are usually in response to someone’s unhelpful remarks or behaviors, and the intent is to unravel and clarify the issue by accentuating its absurdities. Sarcastic statements are expressed in a cutting manner; witty remarks are delivered with undisguised and (usually) harmless humor.

And in yet many cases - people just pick up mimicking their seniors/bosses at work who are sarcastic towards employees and consider as the only way to climb up the corporate ladder by being like the boss - thus subconsciously picking up these qualities unknowingly.

Many people too pick that behaviour up if they had rude sarcastic fathers or male authority figures who were insecure from within- thus believing that being sarcastic is the only way to be a’ Man’ or the only way to be ‘Strong’

Many also have picked up subconscious behaviour from mother or an elderly woman to be sarcastic to avoid confrontation thus avoiding confrontation yet slow poisoning with sarcastic words 

In both cases they become victims of victims they say in Neuro Linguistic programming (thanking my amazing friend Ridhima Dua for sharing this NLP concept)

How to Handle Sarcasm 

Imagine you are at the receiving end of sarcasm every day. How would you feel ?
... so much more

Access Consciousnesses with it’s awesome tools really helped me handle the so called sarcastic people with so much ease. If you are an empath like me and you feel 

So how do we handle if we are receiving any kind of Sarcastic Remarks ?
  1. Know that the person is being sarcastic to you
  2. Stop feeling bad or stupid about yourself and understand it is their problem not yours. Typically people who are full of sarcasm were never loved or cared for and hence they are just portraying lack of happiness 
  3. Stand in your power and take your power back. Do not get intimidated by them. Take a deep breath and calmly tell them
 “ I really do not appreciate that kind of a humor” 
“ I am not happy being made fun of”
“ I do not approve this kind of behaviour
    4. I often tell my clients to use the ‘Interesting point of view “ of Access Consciousness ®️ Where you can say “ interesting point of view he/she has a point of view” in your head ( not loudly) thus dissipating the energy created ( video link here

   5.Regularly spending time with Sarcastic Energy Vampires can drain you off - you can choose to walk away from them. Remember keeping relationship with someone is always a choice - don’t act helpless and give away your power.

Are you being Sarcastic.

If you feel you are being sarcastic- probably you might hate this post. Or Even feel this post is senseless. Or you might even defend saying Sarcasm is humour . The whole idea of this post is to help all people who have had bad experiences being laughed at or being targets of of sarcasm to stand up for themselves and stop getting into wrongness of themselves

If you love witty humour there is nothing wrong with that. But humour at the cost of bullying someone making fun of them and sarcastically taunting them cannot really give you joy. It is a temporary ego booster and will give you a momentary high after which you ll go back to the dark empty pits of your mind.
Rather be open to talk about something if it bothers you rather than being sarcastic. It will make you feel happier,healthier and much better 

Love to all my readers 

About the Writer 
Ashwini Chube is a Corporate motivational speaker- trainer,Access Bars Facilitator ,Reiki Grand Master, Life Transformation & Wellness coach ,Writer, Zumba Instructor and founder of Unicorn Insight Trainings 
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