My Magical Tarot Journey

The Sun, moon, star and the fool
Time to enrol in the Tarot school

Kings ,Queens,Knights and the Pages are there
And the 10 Numbered cards which take you somewhere

Wands, Cups, Swords and Coins to know

I am so super proud of my first batch of 2 Magical Tarot Graduates or Tarot Wizards as I call them - who learnt Tarot by Intuition with me in- both based in the UK 😍 and my 3rd student from Mumbai is almost finishing her course.

Tarot is much more than predictions what will happen tomorrow and a woman looking into a crystal ball. Tarot helps you connect to your subconscious mind and taps in the limiting beliefs in your mind to find solutions which you might have ignored consciously.

And a while ago ago when I started reading the cards in 2015 -I did without reading any books or materials and just tapped into my intuition. I was criticised for doing Tarot inspite of being ‘highly educated’ and ‘qualified’

My Tarot Journey began in 2012 when I was looking for some answers in my life and my friend Gaurav recommended a Tarot reader - Charuta he had gone to who also happened to be his friend. Like any other person who had no clue of what this is all about I hesitated visiting her.
Gaurav once again suggested I should see Charuta for a reading as her readings are quite accurate. My entire Tarot Journey unfolded miraculously. It was the beginning of my journey towards finding myself,find my calling and my life purpise. And Ofcourse both my friends have witnessed me transform into the person I am today. I am ever grateful to have both of them in my life and as a part of my Soul Family

7 years down the line - I m a Tarot Reader & a Teacher and not just that I have seen Tarot empower my clients and give them so much guidance and a direction

Having said that I had heard a lot of myths about Tarot which is absolutely not true

1) Tarot Cards bring negativity -
Tarot cards are ways to look into your subconscious.  It will only create negativity if you think so

2) Tarot cards tell you your future-
Tarot cards only give you possibilities. Only you can create your future by choices you make . The future is not fixed. The future is possibilities

3) Tarot cards make you fall sick - False
There are more chances of falling sick if you eat rubbish food or not exercise or don’t sleep well or are perpetually stressed.

4) You need to be gifted to learn Tarot. Only women read Tarot
Anyone at any age ,male or female , with an open mind and open to learning and trusting their intuition can learn Tarot

5) You have to by heart all 78 card meanings to be a good reader
You can only and only follow your intuition to read tarot. Reading from books is only an additional study. The main answers lie in your intuition

6) Tarot is scam and tarot readers are foolish exploitative people who only want money by fooling you
Tarot is a science- beyond what your mind can understand. There are good and bad people in all occupations. Don’t make impressionson basis of generalisations

7) Tarot is meant for housewives abd people who have no other work
Tarot is a science and it doesn’t matter whether you have a masters degree or are a doctor or an investment banker or a housewife  - you can be an excellent reader if you trust your intuition

I hope this article gives you clarity in knowing more on Tarot and looking at it as an empowering modality

Best Wishes
Ashwini Chube


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