Lessons 2019 : Thank You 2019 for making me who I am today

Thank you Manjiri Nadkarni for inspiring me to write this post.

 Although 2019 is gone here are a few lessons which I learnt in the year . It was a year of ups and downs. I had the most amazing moments in this year and the worst unbearable  moments too.

Let us look at my lessons In 2019

  1. Mistakes are normal part of life. Learn from them but do not be afraid to make mistakes. And stop beating yourself for them
  2. Fear is an illusion - dont believe what fear tells you . At any cost do not give away your power to fear
  3. Stand up for yourself and at no cost tolerate being treated badly. As you start standing up for yourself- you ll start attracting haters. All those who benefitted from you not having boundaries will get mad at you for having boundaries. Stay true to yourself !
  4. Self sacrifice and Self sabotage will never make you happy and will never make those around you happy. Stop getting burnt out to make others happy 
  5. Keep a watch on how you spend your time and with whom you spend time with.  You become average of 5 people whom you spend time with. Even if your circle reduces you ll have quality people in your life 
  6. Be authentic in every area of life - it is the only way to live life fully.  Do not be afraid to be authentic and vulnerable . Live your truth, Speak your truth 
  7. You are allowed to make new choices - it is ok to not want the things now what you wanted a year ago.You are ever changing- it s safe to make new choices and flow with life rather than staying stuck because you believed you wanted something else
  8. Replace your ‘Sorry’ with ‘Thank You’. Make gratitude your daily habit 
  9. Triggers are only indicators where you need healing and are actually taking you closerr to your dreams. Heal them from the root. Help is available always - ask for it and receive it. 
  10. Make prayer your daily habit . Prayers can change every obstacle into a blessing.
  11. Improve your inner world - outer world improves instantly . Your inner talk is the most important force in your life
  12. Letting go of control and expectation can give you better results. Miracles happen when you let go of control and allow God to intervene
  13. Your mental health and peace of mind are more important than deadlines, work commitments or being professional . Be unapologetic about it and you need not explain or need not take approvals for it.
  14. Life operates in cycles - if you have been at a low phase you won’t stay there forever. Things will change - have faith and patience
  15. A lot of things can change in a year - friends may part, people may change but remember every thing is taking you one step closer to your dreams
  16. You are worth every joy ,every dream and every wish you have asked for . Don’t let anyone tell you anything otherwise 
  17. Grief takes time to heal. It is ok to have days where you just want to grieve and not do anything else. It is ok to feel it ; you are human after all . Allow time to pass. Give yourself love as only love can transmute grief . 
  18. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe- believe it trust in it. Your loved ones truly love you and care for you even if they do not say it often.Do not hold back Love - you are love and that is your true existence. Love yourself as much as you love others.You always have a choice - always choose love over fear
  19. The ones who love you - never leave you - even death can’t ever separate them from you as they are watching over you every moment and showering love on you

Wishing you all a very happy 2020. May your joys be bigger than your sorrows 😍


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