Sunshine all the way : The Solar Plexus Chakra

Often in life we come across people who by their sunshine warm our souls.Their sunshine is perfectly right.Almost like a beautiful early morning sun on a spring day.Neither too less like a foggy winter day nor too warm to burn us.Know that their Solar plexus chakra is beautifully glowing making us believe in ourselves and spreading hope

The Solar plexus schakra is the 3rd chakra as we move up in our body.Located below the Sternum in the upper abdomen this chakra is also called as Manipura in Sanskrit which means city of jewels

The Manipura chakra opens behind and in the front and controls our self confidence
 The element of this chakra is  fire and the beejmantra is 'Rumm'


The term solar itself is self explanatory of its colour.The chakra is almost like the sun, bright yellow and radiant.It can also be compared to a field of sunflowers swaying to and fro

A well balanced solar plexus chakra is a glowing bright yellow.whereas an imbalanced chakra is  muddy dull yellow .

Yellow connects you with knowledge and your intellect. People who are drawn to yellow are drawn to intellectual pursuits.The cleaner and better the chakra, the more radiant we look to others.This is because our inner light or sunshine makes us glow

The Solar Plexus   governs our thoughts relating to
1) mental courage
3)ability to assimilate knowledge
4)Self esteem
7)social status
8)Gut feeling

Body Parts governed by this chakra

The entire digestive system is governed by this chakra.It also governs your stamina
Physical health issues:
An imbalance can cause all problems relating to digestive system like ulcers,pancreas or liver problems, hepatitis,intestinal tumours,colon diease.
Also insulin issues are caused due to imbalance in this chakra, thus causing diabetes

Mental and emotional issues

This chakra deals with your self confidence.Thus a weak solar plexus makes you unsure of your decisions.
You may feel inferiority complex and may face trouble while decision making.
It can also make one fearful, sarcastic and suspicious or even anti social. Blockages in this chakra will manifest as lust for power, egocentricity, low self esteem

A small solar plexus may indicate timidity, fear or insecurity
A large solar plexus chakra indicates someone very arrogant or dominating or egoistic

Deities and Angels governing this Chakra:

According to ancient Hinduism, Goddess  Lakshmi , the goddess of prosperity governs this chakra.Thus abundance is a by product as well as a cause of  balanced emotions and balanced self esteem .It is like a viscous circle

Archangel Uriel governs this chakra.Uriel is one of the most clever archangels and he helps us think our solutions to our problems in such a way that it seems very natural and suble.

Ways to heal the the solar plexus chakra

1.     Think Yellow, wear yellow, surround yourself with yellow.You can visit a fields of sunflowers and bask yourself in their glory
2.     Visualise  yourself in yellow light while meditation .You may opt for yellow candles when you so so
3.     Make affirmations, I can and I will.This will boost your confidence
4.     Vigorous exercise is very beneficial
5.     Reiki /Energy healing can help
6.     Yoga is very beneficial: some poses include Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana and Navkasana.
7.     Eating yellow peppers, Pumpkin,mango,pineapple, jackfruit can be very good for this chakra


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