Orange County : The Sacral Chakra

The second called sacral chakra is located below our naval .it is called 'swadisthtana'in sanskrit which literally means 'ones own house'It is also called Hara by some
The Sacral chakra opens behind and in the front.This chakra spins slightly faster than root chakra,but still at a slow pace.
The element of this chakra is water and the beejmantra is 'Vam'


It is beautifully orange in colour
A well balanced sacralchakra is a glowing orange with white light in between whereas an imbalanced chakra is burnt orange

Sacral chakra is concerned with the issues of emotions and is affected by feelings of
1) Food cravings
2) Sexual desires
3) Creativity
4) Addictions of alchohol or substance
5) issues of appearance weight
6) Passion
7) Sleep patterns

Body Parts governed by this chakra

It controls your sexual organs and reproductive system including uterus and ovaries in women and testes in men It also controls the bladder and the kidneys.

Physical health issues:
An imbalance in the sacral chakra can cause many physical issues such as urinary problems, kidney stones, lower back pain, gynecological problems and prostate problems. 

Mental and emotional issues
The Sacral Chakra deals with emotions and passion. This Chakra is also called as the seat of emotions
This Chakra is about sexuality and feelings relating to sexuality . When this chakra is balanced,one's feelings flow freely. One can express themselves without be too emotional. Also a balanced chakra means one is open to intimacy and can be passionate and lively

When you have love for yourself and others, when you have creativity and freedom to expresss yourself your chakra is balanced.

The basic problem if this chakra is imbalanced can be relating to appearancre, body or weight and one's sexuality.The fears relating to these may result in blockages in the chakra

Deities and Angels governing this Chakra:

According to ancient Hinduism, Goddess Shakti governs this chakra.Shakti is believed to be the mother of the universe. She stands for motherhood or fertility. This chakra is very important for the reproductive system

Archangel Chamuel is associated with this chakra. He is the angel of relationships.

Ways to heal the sacral chakra

1) Orange meditation: a meditation or visualization imagining one's body in  orange ray can help.Also you can wear orange clothes
2) Eat orange coloured fruits and vegetables ; eg: papaya,orange,carrots
3) Reiki / Energy healing /Pranic Healing
4)Also can use aromatheraphy.Oils like 
sandalwood or ylang ylang could be useful
5)some yoga postures might help
Eg: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
       Marjarasana (cat pose)
       Lunge pose
6)Spend time by the sea or river. Sit near water bodies. Go rafting or swimming. Being near water in the moonlight is very energizing for this chakra. Take long relaxing baths . Also, drink more water. 
7) Dancing is very good to open up the chakra. Since dancing deals with opening up your emotions , it can do wonders to this Chakra
8) Most important honour your feelings.
We have been taught to do what is right and to ignore our feelings.  
Allowing ourselves to feel our emotions and can be very freeing. It connects the soul with the body.
Pick that guitar, join that dance class, go for that relationship, adopt that pet, paint that picture,start your own venture if you want. Take that up what gives you pleasure and that frees you
9)Crystals: fire opal,carneliàn to activate
Emerald to calm an overactive swadhistana


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