An introduction to the Chakras ; Part 2

Pace of chakras:
We know there are 7 chakras. The ones in the base or bottom spin the slowest and as we move upper in the body towards head their pace of spinning increases. Thus the root chakra is slowest and the crown is the fastest

Issues and Characteristics:
Also the lower 3 chakras : root, sacral and solar plexus correspond to the physical or materialistic issues and the top 3 : throat , third eye and crown chakras correspond on spitual issues.
The heart chakra acts as a connector between physical and spiritual world.

The chakras corresponds to the colours of VIBGYOR or the rainbow . Thus the root chakra starts with red colour and the crown chakra is violet in colour. The base chakras have the warm colours and the top chakras have cooler shades of blue violet
Root chakra : Red
Sacral: Orange
Solar Plexus: Yellow
Heart : Green
Throat : Blue
Third eye: Indigo
Crown : Violet

Root chakra opens from the bottom and crown opens at the top.Rest all the chakras have two openings both in the front and backside of human body
Except for the root and crown chakra

Will be starting my detailed explanation on chakras starting with root chakra.
Its important to know these basic concepts in chakra before we move further. 


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