Training your mind to stay less anxious


When you watch a lot of news ,drama,crime , etc as entertainment- you subconsciously buy the point of view that the world is a dangerous place to live . You disconnect to the truth of the World and your connection to the Universe or God. You dilute your vibration and you train your nervous system to be prepared for bad or negative experiences. 

You call it reality and are hooked on the experience where your ego tells you ‘ you should be informed ‘. You get stressed hyper stressesd worried even anxious and get panic attackss because your reality is distorted. You are trusting low vibrational entertainment as your brain feed . 

This is one of the biggest cause of Emotional and Mental Illness in today’s world 

The only way to stay connected to the beautiful Universe /God. 

Here are my quick fixes

Disconnect from all television,web series and news ( yes there is life beyond that)

Spend time reading ,painting, writing journalling,gardening,dancing ,singing or anything that makes you happy 

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Self help & spiritual videos ( I personally love Jack Canfield,Tony Robbins ,Gabby Bernstein,Diana Cooper ) 

Podcasts ( Some good ones - Jay Shetty, Mat Lewis,Jake Woodard,) 

Books ( know your genre)

Exercise- Move that body, stretch, breathe

Connect to the spirit- Meditate, Practise Yoga, use Oracle cards, chant there is so much to do❤️

Put healthy food in your body,ditch sugar ,ditch junk food and ditch alchohol and see your Life Transform. 

Universe is beautiful- God is kind. You have to tune in your radio sets to know him ❤️

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Ashwini Chube -Transformational and Wellness Coach - Motivational Speaker

Unicorn Insight

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