Logic Kills Magic

 Logic kills Magic 

The only way to experience Magic is by letting go of logic!

I daily get questions from my students 

“ Why I see the numbers” 

“ I saw this what does it mean”

“ He said this to me - what does he mean”

All these questions come from analytical mind . And the moment analytical mind interferes ascencion slows down as it keeps you trapped in 3rd dimension. You ll never be able to ascend until you let go of reasoning and logic

One of the most important thing I tell my students who are on path to ascension is that keep your analytical mind away. I tell them when they enter the room to learn the first learning itself - keep your mind at the doorstep and if you can’t then you will not be able to learn.  

It has been one of my personal lessons too. Coming from an academic background- I too evaluated analysed everything. Well I was research analyst-for a few years of my life. That was my first ever job title during my internship in MBA days

But things changed the moment I demanded answers from the Universe. I began my ascension journey in 2013. And one thing I realised of what I was learning only half withmy analytical left brain. The rest was coming from my right brain. And the more my ascension began the more I went to a place of not analysing but simply being aware. Awareness is where you are just observing and receiving without any analysis or judgments. Without asking “ why is this happening “

Stay aware Stay awake Stay conscious

Stop the Logic- Learn the Magic

Exit the matrix!

More coming up in my next few articles 



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