Superwoman Syndrome

#coffeecubiclecabin #womensdayspecial

Have you had the Superwoman Syndrome?
Do you think you do not accept anything else other than perfection? 

We Women want it all - and yes Deserve it all
We want success at work - Amazing love relationship with spouse - Being the best super achiever Mom - Best Vacations and holidays - lot of money- Best gadgets- Fit bodies- good health..the list is on and on

Yes you can have it all - but wait what is the cost of having it?

As an Access consciousness coach I always tell you it is possible to achieve everything. However having everything with a deadline will put a lot of pressure on us to the extent we get burnt out. 

Many times - Clients tell me “ I am like this. I like perfection in everything and I cant sleep if it isn’t done in a particular manner ” 
So well here I keep telling them - work is important but so is rest. Its great to have high quality work but not to the extent you burn out yourself so that you cannot enjoy.

The key here is not to only look at what happens when you achieve it. What happens if you don’t achieve it?!
Are you self critical?
Do you beat yourself up?
Do you take pride in being perfectionist?
Do you attract all people around you who criticise you inspite of how hard you work?

As per author Louise Hay - 99% Diseases occur because we are too hard on ourselves. Self Criticism can be the worst poison. And unfortunately most of us do not know we are self critical. 

Till my age 25 - I was a perfectionist- type A  personality woman. I believed I have to have it all and I have to be perfect. If I wasn’t perfect my inner talk would be rash rude and critical. 
It reflected in my attitude towards everything. I did not realise that I was. But little did I know I was already perfect 

The Superwoman Syndrome means
- You have to have and do everything 
- It has to be perfect 
- No one else has to help you or take your responsibilities as you are a ‘Strong Woman’

While doing this many times we as women
- Burn out
- Face bottled emotions 
- Have a highly critical self talk incase even a tiny bit goes wrong 
- Getting Obsessed with doing things without flexibility and being very harsh on our own self 
- Getting Panic attacks and Feeling Anxious about everything 

Tips to beat the Superwoman Syndrome
  1. Isolate - Do one task at a time. Multitasking is great - and even while multitasking you can isolate tasks doing one at a time 
  2. Delegate the necessary- dont do it all and once you delegate trust the person fully with what they do. Choose right person to do the right job
  3. Automate - Automate wherever necessary- Let machines do what they have to. Put auto payment for your monthly bills 
  4. Meditate - Very important to slow yourself down in the day. It helps you deal with overthinking. When you deep breathe , your body starts supporting you to slow down
  5. Hydrate - Drink a lot - I am talking about water ðŸ˜€. So many times women  talk about meeting over a drink. How wonderful would be if you meet for water instead of coffee or wine. Well - here I m not saying wine or coffee is bad. But make sure you drink water with as much passion and style 
  6. Eliminate- Let go of all that doesnt serve you. Throw all things that form clutter in your life. Stop eating junk foods. Stop time soent on junk entertainment and junk social media.Cut unnecessary social meet ups . Do you really want to go to your cousin’s husband’s sister’s daughter’s dog’s birthday party . Isnt it a waste of time? Go only if they give you joy. Don’t go for formality parties. 
  7. Prioritise - Do only the thing you want to do now and let the rest wait. Priorities are very important. 
  8. Dont be afraid to say a No and Don’t be afraid to say a Yes : Most important know when to say a Yes and When a No.  Connect to your true inner self and know the answers 
  9. Ask for help : There are so many life skill experts - take their support to decode your thoughts
  10. Know that you are unique and already perfect 

Finally know that - the more you flow with life and the more content you are with yourself- the healthier mentally you ll be and then you ll have a balanced life

Strike a balance between- working and resting , action and flow , doing and being, thinking and feeling.
Be the Woman you are - No one else can be you.

What if you are already amazing the way you are. God created you in a unique blueprint of your soul. The world needs you

Happy Women’s Day and Women’s Week

About the Writer 
Ashwini Chube is a Corporate motivational speaker- trainer,Access Bars Facilitator ,Reiki Grand Master, Life Transformation & Wellness coach ,Writer, Zumba Instructor and founder of Unicorn Insight Trainings 
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