11 Life Lessons for Joy


11 Life Lessons for Joy

It is another Monday morning as I am writing this - beginning of a new week. My life is far from perfect yet every day is magical every moment.

The Spring is paving its way to the summer and as I have my morning cup of tea I write this to you as a few beautiful life tips on this #motivationalmonday

In the silence of this morning-as I write this post for you all I an eternally thankful to Lord Almighty for the blessings especially those which we take for granted.

Today - when the media ,news are creating panic everywhere in the name of awareness- it is important to listen to your inner voice. Its far that I have stopped subscribing to media and television. I have also exited 90% Whatsapp and Facebook groups which do not contribute to me. I am right now living everything by choice and contribution :ie: I choose to subscribe to only those people ,media, situations who contribute to my life vision. Anything other than that is a sheer waste of time and energy

Here are my tips for a joyous grand life for each one of you reading this. I hope it meets you wherever you are in life

1) No matter where you are in life - you are never stuck. You always have a way out. Just make an intention to get support from the Universe and never say ‘ I am stuck’ . Instead keep saying ‘ I am always supported by the Universe’

2) Consistency beats Perfection Commitment and Dedication go a long way. If you are consistent and disciplined and dedicated and if you take small steps ,you ll even beat someone who is more talented than you. Dedicate yourself to your goals and take consistent disciplined action

3) Silence hour:
Going deep within yourself in Silence daily will help you contemplate your day. In this hour of silence be away from everything - gadgets, media,people. Just you and your silence. You ll automatically start finding solutions in life.

4) Read read and Read :
My Favourite author Robin Sharma says “Read for an hour a day. It’ll give you a gargantuan competitive advantage in this world of cyber zombies.”
Reading improves the quality of your life. People who read have no time for nonsense and less likely to stay ungrounded.

5) Journal everyday :
I have been journaling since 2018 and I feel it is one of the best ways to do your inner work. If you are always anxious or get panic attacks - journalling can really soothe you.

6) Focus on your closest relationships:
Your closest relationships are the foundation to your life. Spend quality time with your spouse. Take each other out on date nights atleast once a week however busy you are. Call up and talk to your siblings more.
Spend time with your kids and parents. There is so much to learn from people who are not your generation.
And although we recommend you not to force relationships for the heck of it - you know in your heart who is your support and cherish those relationships.

7) Avoid Toxic people at all cost:
Avoid people who bully you or are sarcastic in their humour while taunting you and saying just kidding. Be with people who genuinely care for you and love to see you succeed. Walk away from any one drains you

8  )Beware of Gossip Mongers :
If they gossip to you about some one- they will gossip about you to others. In the era of social media and screenshots it is easy to get tricked into people who might use these to drag you into controversies. Stay one foot away from such people. Choose your circle wisely

9) Dont be afraid of being judged:
Don’t worry if people judge you. When you are willing to be judged you are willing to be yourself. You are willing to be the most authentic version of you and you are unapologetic about it. No matter what you ll be judged- might as well do what suits you. When you are afraid of judgement you have given away your power

10) Know exactly what you want and start eliminating everything that doesn’t fit in it.
It is very important to know what you want in life and go after that while be it flexible with what Universe gives you. Tell your whats to the Universe snd don’t get into the hows. At the same time let go of all the unnecessary things you are subscribing yourself to.

11) Love Kindness and Peace are still trending
In the world where there is so much fear and worry being portrayed- believe in love kindness and peace. Don’t forget to share these with others. But most important- dont forget to love yourself, be kind to yourself and be at peace with where you are in life.

Thank you to all who have taken time to read this post. Have a kickass Monday. May all your dreams come true ❤️

Ashwini Chubé


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