Monday Blues - Can you do something about it?

“Uff its a Monday morning... I hate Mondays.. Why do I haveto wake up and go to office?”

So many woke up to this thought. Did you? You are not alone. The truth is you are trained to complain for years together and still not do anything about it

Monday after Monday the same story goes on and there are tonnes of jokes on Monday blues and how pathetic Mondays are. People at Office water coolers, Cafeterias make that sad face and greet each other with a frown. Come on we are grown ups we are sad inside that it is a Monday but we have to be practical and live with it. Because that is how it is

People just complain about Mondays . But do not do anything to make a change. Because they believe they can’t . And if you ask them why cant you change -And the answer is always
-I have responsibilities
- I have children and their education
-I am married and have a family
- I am not married and have to build my money
- I am a single parent
-I have a housing loan
- I have a car loan
-I am not as lucky as you

This made me think of a beautiful story

 An old man sat on a park bench with his faithful dog by his side. The dog, who was obviously in pain whined constantly
Finally curiosity got the better of a passer-by. "Why is your dog whining?" he asked the old man. "Because he's sitting on a nail" came the reply. "Then why doesn't he move?" asked the stranger.
The old man looked up in disbelief: "Isn't it obvious?" he asked, "It doesn't hurt him enough to make him move!"

It would be a rather silly little story if it weren't for the fact that most of us live our lives like that dog - Whining constantly about our jobs and our lives, but never taking any action to change our situation - Because it simply doesn't hurt enough!

You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream; you've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire - you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away.
So if you have a dream..go an extra mile for it..go and grab it..just do it

If you hate your job go and find another one.. don’t complain
If you don’t like your profession make a new start.. don’t complain
If you are not getting a job be self employed . don’t complain
If you want to start something new but are afraid.. start doing the new thing on weekends until you get confident of doing it full time.. don’t complain

Learn Live Enjoy
Life is too short to complain

Above all thank the Universe you are alive and kicking
Not everyone is
Makes sense

Ashwini Chube

#mondaymotivation #mondayblues #happiness


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