Are you willing to be happy or want to fit in?

How many times we are scared to be happy?
How many times you feel people will judge you if you are happy?
How many times you feel if you are happy you ll attract an evil eye?

These all is just a conditioning a belief system that is highly fear based and imbibed in us .. implanted in us as a part of this reality we live in. 

As a child I was always very happy just for no reason... my life was and has always been amazing. While growing up my peer group often judged me as shallow or not too serious or even stupid for being happy. I was the odd being out as in the world of serious and sad people who took life seriously.

To fit in the peer group I tried to get serious but still my original nature of being happy prevailed. I attracted different comments from 
“ Isko kuch farak nahi padta ( it doesn’tmake any difference to her)- especially when people were studying for exams
 “ you got to be serious about life”- When I used to be happy even in difficult situations 
to “ Hey comedy - chal humko hasa na( comedian make us laugh) as if I m a clown to them 👊🏻
“ Stop Dreaming you got to be practical” especially when I shared my big dreams with ones whom I thought were friends 

Life continued to move on until I found friends who were just like me. Who were always happy and encouraged me to be happy too. They didn’t find my happiness weird or never made faces to my sense of humour or never called me comedy or stupid. We till date have fun together and laugh at the same time talk about life passions dreams. We have no time for drama as we are too happy just being with each other

In 2016 I was introduced to Access Consciousness where I came to know that I was not wrong. I never was. And I chose happiness by default. Just because others were not happy I need not make myself wrong or slow down. Last 3 years has been a massive journey of finding the real me. The true Humanoid as I m now it doesn’t matter if someone belittles me as i enjoy my life of joy

So as per Gary Douglas the founder of AccessConsciousness "If you could see how amazing you are as a being, as a person, and as a contribution in life, then you would have no excuse for being unhappy?"

Most of the time we are unhappy because we spend unnecessary time and energy on judgement of our own self and chasing unrealistic perfection. We think we ll be only happy if we tick mark certain parameters of life to be happy. Sure it is great to have goals and super great to achieve them. But we goof up when we associate happiness with achievements of those goals

How about setting goals , taking action to achieve them but not making your happiness dependent on it
Many times when we don’t achieve goals we get disappointed and are extremely harsh on ourselves. We think we don’t deserve happiness. In such cases Access Consciousness asks you to ask questions instead of cribbing and sobbing after coming to a conclusion andjudging yourself as a failure 

Dr Dain Heer the co founder of Access consciousness says when you feel you are going down unhappy spiral simply ask questions . Asking questions can empower you to change anything.
Here are some questions you can ask:
• What can I be or do different today to move beyond this depression?
• Universe, will you please show me something beautiful today?
• What else is possible here that I’ve never considered?

Today as a Wellness & Life transformationalcoach and motivational speaker I d like to tell all who are reading this.

You are allowed to be happy 
You can be as happy as you choose to be
Don’t worry about people’s judgements about you.
Don’t fear their point of views about you
Let them judge you 

Choose happiness.
Choose yourself 

And if nothing else helps get your bars run

What is Access Consciousness
Access Consciousness is a different point of view about life. It allows you to change anything you cannot change and create everything you desire in a different and easier way. The aim of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness, where everything exists and nothing is judged.
Access Consciousness is based on the idea that you're not wrong, that you know and that consciousness can shift anything. Many modalities clear the limitations built around words, Access clears the energy underneath the words. To learn more about how Access works and hear Dr. Dain Heer, the co-creator of Access log on

What is Access Bars
The Bars are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars session, a practitioner gently touches these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas.

Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more...

About Me
Ashwini Chube is a Corporate motivational speaker- trainer,Access Bars Facilitator ,Reiki Master, Life Transformation & wellness coach , Zumba enthusiast and founder of Unicorn Insight Trainings 
Log on for more about Trainings with them


  1. Access Consciousness - Access Bars is a relaxing method that can uncover and release limitations you have so you can create the life you desire. Call Meagan 0409080741


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