Haters gonna hate you - judge you .Does judgement give you money ?


Very recently one of the most influential industrial families of India - the Ambanis hosted a grand big fat wedding for their daughter Isha. The Indian Media went gaga over the celebration. The Indian common men and women (who actually have only 1% of the bank balance as compared to Ambanis) apparently went on and on trolling about how pathetic the wedding was and how much money they spent.

Priyanka Chopra one of the lead Bollywood and Hollywood actress too got trolled for marrying Nick Jonas just because he is a decade younger to her. Internet trollers called her everything from aunty to babysitter. Recently when she posted a romantic picture of her with her husband  the same trollers continued to mock make fun and judge her.

Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh too were trolled for having “ bad dress sense” in their grand wedding 

Now in all the above 3 examples- whether it is Mukesh Ambani or Priyanka Nick or Deepika Ranveer- are these all really affected? Do you think they have time and energy to even notice the trollers. And they aren’t even bothered. They don’t even know the trollers exist and care least.
And do you know what happens to their bank accounts ? They keep increasing whereas the trollers are still paying EMI to afford the basics of life

So what is happening energitically?
When you judge someone you lose money
When you get judged by someone and have no point of view about it  you make money.
When you react to someone’s judgement and let it affect you you lose money

Wait what did i just read? And what is it?
What I revealed above is one of the best things I learnt in Access Consciousness. When someone judges us we really make money. Now if you think logically when someyis judging you they are giving their time and Energy to think about you. Money is energy. If you are ok to receive it without getting upset or having a point of view about their judgements you receive energy and it manifests in your bank account as money. It may come in form of bonus,new client, or a gift or any other means. However for that you should not have a point of view to it because then you are spending energy on it and thus if energy spent is more than energy received you lose money.
This is where most people falter. They are easy to judge others but when it comes to receiving judgements they rebel react and respond

But do you know the difference between the celebrities and the common man? The common man gets affected by every judgement. And is so afraid to follow their dreams only because they feel people will judge them . The biggest lie that keeps them stuck is “it is not practical”. Which is also a judgement which makes it rock solid
A rich person seldomly cares what people thinks about them and are not even bothered by their opinion. Do you think Mukesh Ambani the richest man in India is bothered by what Mr XYZ from Delhi wrote about “ why did they spend so mych in wedding” or when Ms ABC from Mumbai said “ IshaAmbanis bridal makeup was too boring” does Priyanka Chopra bother when Ms PQR from Bangalore says “ Stop showing off her Every day lovey dovey pictures” 
None of them are even bothered and that makes make even more rich. So today receive that judgment and say thank you on their face and in your head go and say “ Interesting point of view they have that point of view” 

According to Gary Douglas the founder of Access Consciousness the relationship with Judgements and money is explained as this “ Judging you is the greatest unkindness you can do to you. when you don’t buy judgement even if it is from somebody who loves you you always change the world for the better.
If you are not willing to be judged you can’t have money .For each judgement you are willing to receive you make $5000 more that year . For every judgement you are not willing to receive you lose $10000. What does receive judgement mean? - interesting point of you you have that point of you ..thank you for judging me.. thank you for the contribution! “

So imagine if you are going to make money just by understanding this paradigm shift in your head- isnt that fantastic?  How does it get any better than this?!

Thus Judgment is pervasive in the world, so here are tools to use whenever you come up against it:
  • When somebody delivers judgment at Gary Douglas his response is, “Thank you so much for caring”. Most people don’t know what to do with that or how to respond to it. It takes the wind out of their sails.
  • Practise the tool of interesting point of view

What is your experience on judgement?
Are you willing to get judged without having any point of view on it? Are you willing to receive money from the Universe?

To learn understand this more and make best use of these tools to make your life ease joy glory - enrol for a 1 full day highly transformational Access Consciousness Bars class with me. 
There are so many folks in todays world who wish to get their life transformed and all feeling really stuck and helpless right now. But the only difference between the ones who desire a better life and who actually get  it is they take small steps of action is “Choice”. Choice creates possibilities and that is base of creating a life so amazing that is beyond your wildest imagination.

So choose yourself..
Choose Consciousness 
Choose to make a choice

Why Access Consciousness ®️
Much of what we would like to change is not cognitive or logical; it is created and held energetically. The beauty, magic and potency of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! So, you don’t need to go through the pain, suffering and gory of reliving a situation to clear the charge on it. How does it get even better than that?

Why is Access Bars?
Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more.

The One full day Access Bars class was so much transformational that by the end of the day we saw all smiling faces. 

For more on access
To book a full day Access Class with me drop an email at ashwini.chube@unicornnsight.com

What else is possible?

Love to all my readers
Infinite possibilities 

Ashwini Chube is Transformational Trainer and Internationally certified Access Bars Facilitator -She is also a motivational speaker and a wellness coach. She is the CEO /Founder of Unicorn Insight.Ashwini comes from Investment Banking background having worked in Mergers and Acquisitions and Financial advisory roles with brands like Morgan Stanley and RBS before she decided to follow her calling of transforming lives .

Get in touch 


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