An Open letter from a spiritual coach to anyone who asks for free advice, walks on our boundaries or treats us casually

We are coaches healers therapists teachers counsellors trainers motivators. We have our own families, responsibilities,friends, romantic relationships, work commitments, social interests,hobbies. In short We have a life.

Yes we are helping you  to deal with your lives. We know it is difficult for you and we are ready to help you. But please don't ask for free advice. Don't say I want to meet you in a coffee shop which means you want to meet us to dump your problems on us and take our advice for free. It takes a lot of energy listening to your problems. And a lot of time too. Our time and energy is much more valuable than you may think. 

We have spent years together learning to master various therapies and we are not perfect ..we are still learning .We have spent even more hours practicing doing homework. We have even spent much much more time in doing meditations and inner journey . We have invested a lot of money in leaning and studying . We too have bad days terrible days where we don't want to meet anyone. We still take sessions from our coaches to guide us as a teachers and as a human beings. And pay them full money. But don't consider we giving you free advice as that will be 'Good practice ' to us 

We are spiritual teachers and coaches . But we do go out and party like everyone else. We do enjoy a drink once a while although aren't addicted to it. And although we are old souls it is totally our choice to be vegan vegeta,rian pescaterian or Meat eaters. Don't ask stupid questions like " You are a healer and you drink? Or eat meat ?" It is our choice and spirituality doesn't put fear based restrictions 

And although we don't believe in random hookups ,one night stands,settling for less and needy based toxic relationships we respect intimacy trust commitment and love in romantic relationships. We believe in keeping our romantic relationships private and believe in respecting each other in meaningful relationships. We don't believe in openly discussing about ' So what is happening in your love life' because it is very sacred for us. If we are not telling you about it just kerp quiet and don't ask questions. We don't want to share it with you

Yes we are there as coaches and counsellors for you. We can help you when going through a tough time . Because many years ago we went through the same emotional turmoil but had no one to talk to before we met our teachers. But that doesn't mean treat us as punching bags and take free advice whenever you want. Respect us that we are helping you and pay for it. It has taken quite an effort to reach wherever you are

We do not do full time jobs .. It is our choice ..because our work requires 24*7 commitment energy time and efforts. We work much harder than you can even imagine. Yes we do make money as a coach - so if you are curious if we make money there are some wonderful people who respect our work and time and pay us. If you are not one of them please walk away. 

When you bombard our phones with whatsapp messages about your "problems " at 12 am in midnight we might be trying to sleep. Or may be spending time with a family member . Or we might be watching something to make ourselves laugh. Your overwhelming messages can make us more overwhlelmed. No we are not there for you as 'friends' - you could just be an aquaintance . Because the truest closest and bestest friends too never walk our boundaries. They respect us and value our work and life. Our best friends too when needed a professional advice have paid 100% money for our advice. 

So next time you ask for Free Advice- When can I call you - need opinion or advice- Free card reading, Free Healing, Free workshop and wanting to drop in our homes or offices without notice the answer is NO. 

We don't judge you and don't care even if you judge us. Thank you for understanding. Because we are worth it

If you want to know what exactly we do - watch Dear Zindagi and observe SRK. Just kidding. Check our official pages. 

Treat us with respect and we ll help you transform your life. Treat us like crap and we say Goodbye to you!


Your Coach ,

About the Writer 
Ashwini Chube is a Corporate motivational speaker- trainer,Access Bars Facilitator ,Reiki Master, Life Transformation & wellness coach , Zumba Instructor and founder of Unicorn Insight Trainings 
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