The Potter mania

We loved Harry Potter and his friends. Didnt we?
Well Harry grew up and so did we.What we read as children teenagers and now as adults changed our perspective of looking at the book.It just started as a bespectacled boy who is a wizard and it went all the way till the battle of Good and Evil.
Harry made us laugh,cry and we connected with his world.We rode brooms and also went through floo network.We all tried" alahamora" for unlocking the doors and also thought of a character from Harrys world for each of our friends

Every time the weather is good I think of playing quidditch .Everytime there is traffic I want a broom.And everytime i see  a barn owl,I think its Hedwig.We all have wondered what would our patronus be.
The Fear of Dementors is nothing if you can use a patronus charm effectively.I bet we all tried with our toothbrushes saying "expecto patronum"

Besides all this, we learnt a lot from Professor Dumbeldore and his quotes.
A few of my favourites are listed below.

All said and done its difficult to just put a few things from JK Rowling's Potter.I guess We all have been hooked on to Harry not just for today and tomorrow but for life.

And how many times ever we read it or watch the movies its not gonna be enough.
And Yes..every Sunday I still flip all channels on my television just to watch if any Harry Potter movie is playing(inspite of having all movies in my comp) :-))


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