What if the purpose of life was to have fun?


My Coaches Teachers always tell me - to make more money play more. And that is exactly what I experienced once I started following my heart and living life as if it was fun.


 Play here refers to working ,doing daily activities and choosing from your heart space and not from the place of being in the competition or because you are missing out on some thing or trying to prove yourself or wanting to do because you are supposed to.  But choosing something because it gives you joy fun and possibilities


When one just focuses on Fun and Joy - one creates .


Gary Douglas says - ‘*Your Mind is a dangerous thing Waste it’.*

If you are thinking you are stinking. 😂


Your mind only creates limitations. We are here to break the limitations so we can actually create a new reality.


The reality we live in has trained us to look feel and be miserable to fit in. And it is such a big misconception that -If you are happy you are either on drugs or you are insane. They have told us -To be normal and matured adult- you need to be miserable and sad and make that serious face and keep cribbing about how bad your life is. If not you are childish - immature and stupid. But what if being child like was a way to live in abundance?


And what if you could stand out. What if you could play ?


So today ask these questions


*What if the purpose of life was to have fun?*

What would you create? How would you live each day?

Wouldn’t it be fun


Ashwini Chube




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