Unicorns Magic and Aquarian age - Welcome 2021

 Do You see Unicorns Every where?

We have Stepped into the Unicorn Age and you might have seen a lot of Unicorns in the last 5 years. Do you think it is a coincidence?

Last 2 months I have met innumerable clients who approached me out of the blue for healing/ coaching/ tarot card sessions. And most of them ended up asking me “So why is your company name Unicorn Insight? My daughter loves Unicorns”

Another client who was doing Reiki sessions with me on Zoom - her daughter always peeped into a video to say a hi to me calling me “ Unicorn Aunty”. She celebrated her 5th birthday last month and her decor was full of Unicorns.

Diana Cooper in her latest book Magic of Unicorn says “

“Unicorns have a special connection with children, especially babies, who still carry the pure essence of Source energy. This creates a natural attraction for unicorns. Babies still see spiritual beings and you can watch them laugh as their eyes follow some distant light. This is often a loved one in spirit or an angel or unicorn. Lots of children now ask for unicorn parties. I remember one little girl who had absolutely set her heart on one. There was to be a unicorn cake, unicorn hats and even unicorn games. I felt that this was going to be a specially blessed birthday, and when I saw her the following day, she was beaming. She said it had been the best party she’d ever had. Of course it had been, because unicorns had been there, honouring her birthday and raising the frequency.”

How do we as Adults connect to your Unicorn?

 I d say Unicorns love people who have pure hearts full of compassion . You need to open your right brain to connect to them and shut down your analytical left brain else you ll keep on finding reasons to invalidate the existence of the higher realms and beings.

The Aquarian age has dawned upon us. We leave behind the 3D feelings of fear lack jealousy to usher into the New age of Love peace joy. Unicorns have been pioneers to take us higher in our frequency. Their energy is very pure loving and compassionate and hence Children can feel Unicorn Energy more than adults. And if the loving inner child within you is healed and open you ll feel their presence 

Recently a friend commented “ Isn’t it childish that you write about Unicorns ? They are not real “

My answer was simply open your heart to connect to them and you can at whatever age you are . It doesn’t matter if you are 30 or 60 or 80. If you open your hearts you can see them . Keep that inner child within you healed and you ll be able to feel

Unicorns have been pivotal in my life to lead me to my life purpose as a light worker. I have been connecting them since 2015 and it led me to begin my Spiritual Healing and Coaching brand Unicorn Insight ( nam ton suns hi hoga). It’s wonderful how Unicorns help you with signs and synchronities to show you their presence.

To quote Diana Cooper again

“Unicorns connect with you the moment you think of them. And they constantly encourage you to purify your energies so that the link becomes clearer and stronger. Already millions of people are on their ascension path and are radiating beautiful light so that unicorns can work through them. 

When you are attuned to unicorns, they illuminate the right ascension pathway for you. Then they light up your aura every time you call them in during meditation or talk about them or do a visualization with them. They touch your energy fields or your spiritual centres, usually your heart or third eye chakras, with their horn of light. You may rarely realize just how much unicorns are assisting you. Nor may you be aware how much the ascension work you have already done on yourself has enabled unicorn energy to flood the planet.”

I see so many bakers making Unicorn cakes and muffins. My friend Neha - a gourmet baker had made Unicorn Macrons for me. I know so many friends who have gifted me Unicorn mugs( I have 5) , Phone covers, coasters. Even flip flops. My sister had gifted me Unicorn Lights they light up my room. My friend Purva gifted me a Unicorn clock which lies next to my bed and another wonderful friend Rinku gifted me a bed lamp of Unicorn. 2 friends gifted me Unicorn cakes for my birthday . There is so much and I am so grateful for all the love I receive 

Well I can go on and on on this topic. But the whole aim of this article was to make each one of you know that Magic exists within you. We are now walking into a Unicorn Age where magic is possible. So believe in magic

It is 10:10 as I finish writing this post

Lots of Unicorn Love to all

Pic clicked by my sister Anagha as we were walking around in a beautiful town in South of England in summer 2019🦄💜🦄💜


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