On the Mat GET SET GO

 My yoga Journey has been profound. Around the year 2008-09 I found myself going to an upmarket yoga studio in south Mumbai because i had “ gained weight” . The class was Power Yoga 

Most people were in their 40s-50s and could do postures flexibly and aesthetically. And there I was this 20 something kid struggling with moving and rising from my mat and having self image issues. 20s is quintessentially the decade where you feel you are good for nothing 😀.I took a couple of classes and realised this was not my cup of tea

In 2013-14 my spiritual journey kick started and I learnt about the “ Sookshma Sharira” or the human aura. All of a sudden I started feeling home.

Since then I have been reading about the ancient practices of the beautiful Ashtang Yoga by Maharishi Patanjali .

Last few years I have connected with sone wonderful yoga teachers to realise  that Yoga is much more than just Postures and Flexibility. 

This Lockdown gave me an opportunity to connect to so many wonderful teachers. In April 2020 we at Unicorn Insight hosted a Pranayama Summit with 5 wonderful teachers

What stood out was I rekindled my friendship with my college friend who is a wonderful soul and a kind Yoga teacher @ahamdeepa . We first reconnected in 2020 after almost 16-17 years 🤩 and it we picked up from where we left last. 

This lockdown has been difficult for all of us and as an emotional coach I have been getting daily clients who are going through lot of emotional challenges thus getting super tired every day. We as healers often forget to self care and hence also need to pay attention to ourselves while healing others . You cant pour from an empty cup after all 

Deepa suggested Yoga as a part of my self care routine and since May 2020 I began practising with her and this totally changed my life. I used to get very conscious of my body and she kept telling me to honour myself and be consistent in my practice . Her compassionate kind and not judgmental nature made me at ease . I have started to learn to not just accept but also love my body the way it is . 

It’s October now and although I took breaks in between- i see my life changing. I m more grounded- my food habits are better - my health is getting better and I have slowly started creating a routine for my life 

I have just begun but I believe in this journey yet believe I look forward for my mornings . Must tell you I am not a morning person at all yet I wake up every morning to look forward to get on the mat almost feeling like Alladin on the magical carpet. 

The beauty of Yoga lies in its simplicity and yer profound wisdom. But one big realisation I had was Yoga is more than just a fancy pose or a flexible movement. More than losing weight or appearing serene and calm. It is a way of life.

Do you wish to know more?

And well to share my Journey with Yoga and to get profound knowledge on this - I and Deepa have come up with “ Awaken to the Yoga “ series from 17th October 2020 where we share some ancient wisdom with a contemporary twist .

Stay tuned to know more about this beautiful series where we ll talk about debusting the myths of Yoga and talking on the 8 limbs of Yoga given by Maharishi Patanjali in our scriptures 


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