Impact of Solstice Gateway 21/06/20

Impact of Solstice Gateway 21/06/20

As we walk through this big gateway of the Solar Eclipse on the New moon of Solstice - a huge portal is opening up for us all . It is also celebrated as Fathers Day - with father sky witnessing this transformation

We are entering a new place. A new vibration and a new era - transmuting fear to love,transmuting separation consciousness to union consciousness, transmuting ego for God and transmuting uncertainty for possibilities.

In the next 5-10 years - many of you will find their calling and pursue it. Many will migrate or reverse migrate and will be comfortable in their own shell. The ones who choose will unite with their divine partners. The third dimensional world has fallen apart - and as we move to the 5th dimension we all will be given a choice- Whether to be in 4th or 5th or even higher dimensions. Those sticking to old 3rd dimensional ways might face a lot of difficulty. So like a caterpillar emerge out. Your wings are already there

You ll be guided to stand up for yourself and speak your authentic truth and live an authentic truth. You ll be guided to set powerful boundaries abd claim your power back by giving up all control

It is time where we all will be guided to follow our hearts deeply, find our calling, be responsible for our actions and take decisions based on what we feel and not what we think lest not what others think. Models of society which disempower you  have collapsed

Here is what you could do as a ritual for this day

1) Light a candle
2) Think of any deity you believe in
( I invoke lord Ganesh , Shiv-Parvati,Ascended masters and Archangels. I also invoke Reiki energy to bless and protect)
3)You can chant any basic chant for 15-20 mins .I love to chant Om Namah Shivay. You can follow whatever your heart resonates to.
Since it is also Father’s Day - Shiva Energy is very dominant
Sanskrit is a language of Vibrations and can help you uplift your vibrations
4) Now say - thank you for the lessons so far .Now I m ready to walk in new stage of my life
5) Breathe in deep for few minutes . Imagine all your chakras being lit up by the Sun Energy 🌞🌞🌞🌞

Drink water. Keep your diet Sattvic as far as possible.

Here is wishing you all a wonderful Solstice,A happy fathers day and a Transformational Eclipse.

The above message is chaneled by me Ashwini ChubΓ©  from my spiritual guides and angels. If you wish to share do so with credits. Copying without credits can karmically cost you πŸ€ͺ

Ashwini Chube -Transformational and Wellness Coach - Motivational Speaker
Unicorn Insight

Pics clicked a year ago : Stay home Stay safe

#ashwinichubeposts #philowini #unicorninsight


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