Do you wish to get unstuck from negative thoughts or spirals?

In my very first bars class I hit my paradigm shift towards life. It was only because I came to know 98% thoughts feelings emotions we have do not really belong to us . My reaction to that was what the f%#* ?

So according to Gary Douglas (founder of Access Consciousness TM ) what you are thinking is not yours - what you are feeling is not yours - it could be someone else's and you could be just catching it.I started using it on a daily basis..sooner or later I realised this and my life became lighter and lighter.

So What are these sentences or words and how did it make a difference to me?
Ok let me explain.

Have you felt a weird intense fear? Fear of being rejected or fear of going bankrupt?
Or even fear of uncertainty? Fear of beinga ttacked or mugged? They sound insane but sometimes not all times you may have feared them. Most of the cases these fears  or even thoughts, feelings , emotions are not yours -you are just absorbing them

As Gary says it, we are all walking around like giant Sponge Bobs absorbing all the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others.  And well it is fine to be aware of them ; the problem starts to kick in when we assume that everything we feel is ours.  “Just because we can feel it doesn’t mean it’s ours,” Gary points out
Gary gives example of his daughter feeling unsafe in a safe area. When he facilitated her he realised the unsafe feelings were not hers - she was catching feelings of some woman in an unsafe area. The moment she understood that she ‘returned it back to the sender’.

Another example : I was counselling a friend for some issue when at my farmhouse in the countryside. Somewhere midway in the session I was almost stopped by a weird thought of a snake crawling below in the garden area. Knowing my farmhouse is well kept by our caretakers I was thinking how? But the thought continued to cross my mind.The thought made me uncomfortable. Immediately I kept asking who does it belong to and returned it back to the sender.
I started feeling myself again and the weird creepy feeling just vanished.Post the session my friend told me she has a phobia of snakes. It was an aha moment for me. Glad i returned it to the sender

So what do we do in such case? And what are these questions I m asking? And what do I mean by return it back to the sender?
Well in access consciousness you ask questions  which we call as tools of access.The tools here I am referring to are questions like
1)Who does it belong to?
2)Interesting point of view

Now the question is how do we use these tools?
So here you go

Step 1: Identify the feeling or thought which disempowers you or lands you in a negative spiral and acknowledge it. You don't have to hold to it or do self pity. Just be aware of it

Step 2 : Ask the question who does this belong to? Stay in the question- don't look for an answer
98% it is not yours – ofcourse it is not .Come on darling – you are so powerful.Whay the F**& will it be yours?

Step 3 : Say I return it to the sender with consciousness attached.
When you say I return it to the sender with consciousness attached – not just you but even the person whose thoughts they are gets free…and it is like a loop because even they have picked it up from someone .They say that usage of this tool frees almost  300,000 people from where the thought feeling emotion was sourced.There is no need to know who that person or persons were.Dont get into the logic..just use it!

Step 4: How do you feel now? Light or heavy?
In most cases your energy has changed
Repeat a couple of more times incase not

Step 5: If your energy hasn't changed still keep saying Interesting point of view I have that point of view .. keep saying this - your energy has to change (yes it works)
Well when you are saying everything is an interesting point of view you are giving up all fixed point of views on anything and everything thus getting away from all drama trauma

Now I m sure you are feeling yourself on top of the world if you aren't yet (it is very unlikely ) - get your bars run from a bars practitioner!!!!!
Even better come and learn access bars with us and get introduced to a new way of life -  learn the above and many more  amazing tools to get you unstuck in places you feel you are stuck. Remember you are never really stuck .
Don’t get into the logic.. there is no logic is only magic and it works!!

The Access Bars are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head, storing the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area. The purpose of a Bars session is to clear those points and to invite people to receive. Receiving instead of doing, doing, doing.

Get in touch with us to learn access bars Or to get your bars run –
For getting your bars run book appointment with us
To learn bars log on our website to know when is the next class

Love and infinite joy and possibilities

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