Inside the head of a writer
It is 4am and I just cannot sleep... I just checked my fb page and saw release of my article in a magazine. Feels great to read your own work.
Mean while my head is full of thoughts rather plots about a short story i have been writing. I almost see both the characters Raj and Priya talking to each other , saying things. I observe what they say , what they wear how they look..everything.. I grab my smartphone , open the blogger app and write some is crazy. Ideas are flowing..
it is 4:39.. I switch off the air conditioner..silence prevails..i hear the dawn breaking..birds chirping..i write for another half an hour. Raj and Priya are still talking..they have a happy ending..I stop writing and make them happily ever after..
It is daylight ..almost.. I better sleep to go to office tomorrow..I go under my blanket and fall off asleep..
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