Seeing Beyond the Obvious:the third eye

When I was little I had heard the story of the great Hindu Lord Shiva. While his other two eyes indicate his activity in the physical world, his third eye in the center of his forehead looks beyond the obvious. It stands for spiritual knowledge and power, and is thus called the eye of wisdom or knowledge.Little did i know that we all have have an ability to access our third eye

Located right between the eyebrows, slightly above the nose. This Chakra forms as our spiritual eye. What I would refer as the eye of the eye that sees beyond obvious. The third eye acts as a medium see what we call as "Clairvoyance".. Seeing beyond the obvious and understanding the signs of the universe
Intuition, visions, dreams are a result of an active third eye

The chakra is also reffered as "Ajna" meaning command or summoning in sanskrit. This chakra is often also called as Bhru madhya due to its location or Dvidak padma

The Chakra is indigo in colour. Indigo is the colour of our intution. Ajna is our gateway to intution and our power related to Clairvoyance
 The 3rd eye is centre of our higher chakras

Beej mantra
The beej mantra is "aum"

Body parts
Head and Forehead

Physical issues
Headache and Migraines
Problems with weak eyesight
Problems with disturbed sleep

Mental and emotional
This chakra does not relate to emotions but it goes beyond mind

A well developed Ajna gives a good idea of the big picture overall

Very often highly spiritually developed people are able to see beyond normal. They are able to receive signs or commands from universe either through meditation or in a awake present state of mind. This is a result of a developed third eye chakra

The third eyes perceptions are difficult to describe verbally . These could be more subtle than real visions

An imbalanced Ajna may cause non acceptance of spiritual belifs, lack of clarity and not been able to see the big picture
An extreme imbalanced Ajna might also cause hallucinations,indulgence in psysic fantasies and illusion

The hindu god Vishnu is said to govern this chakra. 

Archangel Gabriel is associated with this Chakra. Gabriel is an angel of messaging

Ways to heal
1) indigo :
Indigo is the colour of this chakra. Surrounding yourself by Indigo would help
2) Sitting near bodies of water and watching the water can help this chakra. Staring at sea waves is soothing for eyes and good for clearing this chakra
3) Candle excercise:  A good excercise to balance the 3rd eye. Sit in a dark room with only the lit candle as a source of light. Stare at the candle for sometime. Now close the eyes and imagine staring at the flame. You may actually visualise the flame. Again when you open your eyes, stare at the candle. Repeat this 2-3 times.
4) Reiki / Energy healing can help
5) Crystals: using crystals like Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli  or Moonstone can help
6)Meditation: meditations concentrating on 3rd eye should be helpful. Imagine your third eye, then look at it with eyes closed. Imagine it getting opened. Imagine ot being expanded like a funnel and getting opened
7)Yoga : The Child pose,shoulder stands and forward bends are very good for Ajna. Adho mukhshvanasana which is popular as downward dog can help ease bloodflow to the head


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