Express yourself.. The throat chakra

The throat chakra is the 5th Chakra in our energy system and lies right at the throat. The chakra is also named as Vishuddha or Vishuddhi which means "pure place"
The chakra is also called as kantha padma which means lotus of the throat

The throat chakra is at the location of vocal chords and has to do with our outward communication. It has to do with the element of ether.It has a circle with a flower of 16 petals and hence is also termed as Shodash dala

The chakra is beautiful turquoise blue in colour. The blue is the colour of expression , infinity and inspiration

Beej mantra
The beej mantra is ham

Body parts
Ear ,Nose and Throat 
vocal chords
Thyroid glands
Jaw and Teeth

Physical issues
Sore throat
Issues with teeth
Hypothyroid or Hyperthyroid
Neck pain and upper back issues

Mental and emotional
Trouble expressing yourself
Fear of speaking truth
Issues with public speaking

It is often noticed some people are gregarious and some are simply domineering. When someone speaks excessively loud or too much the chakra could be too big

On the other hand , people talking softly or ones not able to express oneself have a small throat chakra

The reason  I am bringing these issues is as a need for us to know how to balance a chakra

Hindu Goddess Saraswati is said to govern this chakra. Often singers have been said to be blessed with Saraswati presence in the throat Chakra
Archangel Michael is said to be governing this chakra

Ways to heal
1) Blue theraphy: use the turquoise blue colour.. It helps to soothe your tensions. I would highly reccommend wearing blue shirts for interviews or meetings where you could be nervous and have to speak
2) Deep breathing helps a lot. Also add mantras or chants. You could say these chants loudly . "Aum" chanting can help
3) Salt water gargles: an excellent technique to remove the blocks from chakra. I often tell clients to take a salt water bath before giving them a reiki healing. Salt helps to remove the negativity and the toxic energies
4) Write: to help express the unexpressed, write a journal. It will help you to remove the issues from mind
5) singing could help.. Who cares how you sing as long as you sing from your heart
6) Reiki / Energy healing can help
7) using crystals like kynaite or Lapis Lazuli can help
8)Spend time near the sea or below an open sky. You can carry a diary or paper and pen. Write down those thoughts which you cant speak or express
9) Yoga : Never underestimate the power of Yoga. Try poses like cobra pose , one of my favorites .. Excellent pose to stretch the neck.. Cobra pose can be used for most chakras
The lion pose with tongue sticking out could help too


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