Turn your life by 180 degrees

The simplest way to turn your life into a positive one is to think of the best part of the day that happened on that particular day..do it everyday
Every day no matter how hard the day is,it will have atleast one thing to be grateful for.Maintain a gratitude diary or paste it on a post it  note on your desk or write in on a paper at home, saying thank you.It could be for the food you ate or the money you have in pocket or for the house you stay in or the coffee you drink or the fresh breeze of air or the beautiful track on radio or the call from your best friend or music on your iPod or the smell of flowers or perfume.....et all..It could be anything.
Slowly you will get many things to thank and know that when your list starts increasing..you are on the right track
See how it turns your life by 180 degrees within 4-6 weeks..
If someone laughs at you when you are doing or discussing this process ..thank them too:)..you made them smile n laugh n saw someone smiling:))
Forward this to all you care for..Be Happy and Spread the Contagious Happiness..start an Epidemic


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