Are you kind to yourself?

Are you kind to yourself?
How are you treating yourself today?

“Your Outer world is simply a hreflection of inner world “
- Deepak Chopra

Everyone deserves to be treated well whether you are old or young or man or a woman rich or poor or anyone and everyone 

While growing up we were taught to be kind to others.. respect others ..not to be rude to others but we were not taught how to respect ourselves kind to ourselves and talk politely to ourselves

Our inner talk later determines how we treat ourselves and that is an important aspect of our life which we have been ignoring all throughout time. The way people treat us is a mere reflection of how our internal talk goes.

Let me give you a small example ..almost a year ago while conducting a workshop when I spoke to a few of my candidates about how their internal talk goes with  themselves after committing a mistake ..initially they said “ I feel bad” 
On asking them 
“What happens when you feel bad - like how do you talk to yourself?” 
They were clueless initially what that feeling was to them. On further activity and work the participants said” I punish myself ..I feel terrible that how can I commit such a mistake.. I keep telling myself that I am useless I am a loser.. I cannot do anything well.. I don’t deserve good things..I am useless and brainless” and so on
Most of the participants had a horrible negative self talk .
Such deep level of self blame!!

Now most of these wonderful participants- who are wonderful people have had such bad experiences of being ill treated with no respect. They are pure lovely souls who never harm anyone. So what makes the world treat them so badly? 
Or why is it they are taken for granted?

Most will use statements like “ People are bad” World is bad” etc

But the great psychologist Carl Jung keeps talking about how our outer world is a reflection of inner world.

Well there is a part of them - may be a tiny part which has been so critical and rude to themselves that it keeps attracting such experiences. 
I don’t blame them - that is a way everyone has been conditioned.

The Good news is - there is a solution.
Change the inner talk to change the experience 

So as a part of the Workshop activity-I asked them to change the talk by using statements like these while talking to themselves

“Well - we have committed a mistake !! (acceptance)

what is it that we can do to change it?(remedy) 

So -What is done has already been done.. so we need not wait and keep being hard on ourselves..that is not going to solve the purpose..Infact ..that will waste our time and energy.. (Stop beating yourself up)

instead how about looking at what we learn from this and what is it that we can do now? (learning)

It is okay to commit mistakes - everyone commits mistakes we are human after all (Being kind)

I’m sure there is away out from this..let us focus on what can be done now “(Action)

After doing this exercise most of my participants felt instant relief. A few saw results in a couple of days , some others in a few months, some in a year. But one thing surely happened- their lives have transformed, relationships are better,careers are better and health is better.

Remember- Transformation happens in waves - Consciousness is the key. Be conscious of your self talk. Be gentle to yourself 
You are a Star and you deserve all good things.

How are you treating yourself today ?

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