
Showing posts from March, 2019

Inverse Paranoid

*How to be an Inverse Paranoid?* By Ashwini Chube "You are too ambitious..It wont work...try to be cant do it" Is this all we hear from those around us? Then how do we chase our dreams? How do we believe in the world full of skepticism After recently meeting Jack Canfield -I reread an article by him telling us to be inverse  paranoid in the pursuit of our dreams.In short adopting Pronoia in our life.But how do we do that in today's world full of unhealthy competition, negative beliefs and frustrated co workers. The concept of "Pronoia" or "Inverse Paranoia"  was mentioned by Dr. Fred H. Goldner of Queens College in the 1980s. Pronoia is nothing but the opposite of paranoia. A person experiencing pronoia feels that  the Universe conspiring in their favour and for their good Here is my guide to the step by step process 1) Look for the opportunity in everything.As if it is an opportunity sent for you in pursuit of your dreams ...

Are you willing to be happy or want to fit in?

How many times we are scared to be happy? How many times you feel people will judge you if you are happy? How many times you feel if you are happy you ll attract an evil eye? These all is just a conditioning a belief system that is highly fear based and imbibed in us .. implanted in us as a part of this reality we live in.  As a child I was always very happy just for no reason... my life was and has always been amazing. While growing up my peer group often judged me as shallow or not too serious or even stupid for being happy. I was the odd being out as in the world of serious and sad people who took life seriously. To fit in the peer group I tried to get serious but still my original nature of being happy prevailed. I attracted different comments from  “ Isko kuch farak nahi padta ( it doesn’tmake any difference to her)- especially when people were studying for exams  “ you got to be serious about life”- When I used to be happy even in difficul...