Those were the days..Are you stuck on to the past or looking forward to the future?

A few months ago one of my WhatsApp group was planning a reunion. Discussions kept happening and most of my classmates remembered some amazing fond memories.It was nice to discuss so many memories and almost relive those beautiful moments . But after some time the conversation started getting boring . Most kept saying “ those were the days” “ how much beautiful the life was” “ oh wish we could go back” " so Nostalgic"

Very soon I got busy in my work and had to skip myself out of the conversation. When I checked my phone later -I saw 300 unread messages. “Woah” my brain thought. “Finally the plan for reunion is made “I kept thinking to myself. 
But surprisingly there was no plan. The long scrolling list was only about how difficult life was right now and how the past supposedly good old days were better. There were series of messages only talking about the past/ childhood-classroom nostalgia..blah blah. I felt so drained by the entire conversation. And hence I intervened saying”hey guys..ofcourse we had a great time then. But now is beautiful too. And another beautiful future awaits us”
“Oh Philosophy queen keep your motivation to yourself. " a nosy classmate interrupted me. "And stop looking at the world with rosy picture..We have serious responsibilities..get real” 
I decided to not waste my time and energy to coach these people (that too free). And decided to keep my learning to myself.
Meanwhile a  friend from the group messaged me on personal chat saying “ Hey Ash .thanks for putting across -else I thought am I the only one who is happy in my life right now and looking forward to the future than staying stuck in the past”

“Uff thank God .. you said it. I was exactly echoing your thoughts.” I replied feeling relived .

I always had this inbuilt wisdom in me since very young age to look at the brighter look at the positive side of see solutions even in the toughest situations rather than the problems. Probably this wisdom is God’s gift to me. However I was always misinterpreted for being “not serious in life” too frivolous or carefree person” or " stupid to see world with my rosy eyed glasses"
However the bitterness given by damaged people around me did not dampen my spirit.My teachers and what I call support squad truly have made my faith in the good only stronger.

Many times it is great to remember good old memories and cherish them. The problem starts arising when we get stuck in them
Childhood is definitely one of the beautiful phases of life. But so is adolescence..So is adulthood.. Your teens 20s 30s 40s 50s ..each period has something to be happy about 
Something to cherish 

But the problem is we cherish our teens in 20s- and when we reach 30s we cherish the 20s . How about living and enjoying the present? How about Consciously making choices and living the best version of you? How about creating a beautiful future and actually looking forward to it

Here are my tips for tapping an awesome Today
  1. Choose to live in the present moment enjoy every bit of it
  2. Set goals for next 5 years -2 years -1 year
  3. Set daily goals and refine define them
  4. Work hard and smart on each goal
  5. Work on yourself both externally and internally and try to be better than yesterday (if you want to know what that means book a coaching session with me and my team.Check my facebook page for events or drop in an appointment note with our experts)
  6. Learn something new everyday. Spend time doing things you love as there is your joy and as Gabby Bernstein says”Universe works fast when you are having fun”
  7. Spend time with people who matter and who push you to become better versions of you rather than with those who keep saying how difficult life is and how things will get worse . Choose your tribe wisely 
  8. Stop complaining instead focus on” What could be the possible solution for this?”
  9. Stop blaming others for creating problems in your life - instead take charge of your life and become a better person 
  10. Pray hard. Prayers can change anything so believe in yourself and the Divine 

Cherish this moment. As one of my favourite Bollywood actor says in his movie “Har Pal Yaha ji bhar jiyo..Jo hai sama ..kal ho na ho”
(Live every moment with joy..this time may not come again”)

Love to all readers


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