Angels Feathers and more

Angels Feathers and more
By Ashwini Chube

Well many of you have been asking me about feathers. I have always associated angels with feathers and feathers with angels to much dismay of my left brained friends. Most people keep asking me  numerous questions when they see a feather like :Is it an angel ? How do u know it is an angel and not a bird? What if it is a bird or pigeon or a crow? What is the logic of angels and feathers? am I imagining?
Well here are a few experiences:
When I moved in my new house a year ago - the first thing I noticed was multiple feathers and I knew it is the house for me. I keep seeing feathers when i go in low vibration zones like hospitals or government offices. I keep seeing feathers when I m worried or fearful. I remember when travelling on a business trip to London around 3 years ago I found a feather on my posh business class seat where there was no logic of seeing a bird since the flight was exceptionally clean. But I knew I was being protected and everything was divine

Well my advice
- Dont judge or analyse when you see feathers
- Keep your logical mind away
- Just take it as a blessing from angels

Sharing an extract from one of my all time favourite teachers ‘Diana Cooper’

The angels use the feathers of different birds to give people reassurance or messages that they are near. Usually they blow these feathers into the right place, often somewhere it is physically impossible for it to be. Occasionally the angels will manifest a feather but this takes energy which can often be better used for something else. If you find an unusual feather like a peacock or eagle feather, meditate on what message the bird is bringing you.

Feathers can be various colours and all have a meaning. You never find a feather by chance.
White is a pure message from the angels to say they are with you.
Black suggests it is time to listen to your inner wisdom. It may also guide you to be careful about what you are doing or saying.
Black and white are the yin yang colours, which remind you to balance your masculine and feminine energy or to bring your life into balance. Are you working too hard? Are you on too strict a diet? Are you being too nice?
Grey infers it would be helpful to ground your energy to take in the angelic light.
Blue says that the angels are bringing you healing. If it is a light blue they may be guiding you to communicate with tact and integrity.
A bright-red feather comes to you when you need to put verve and energy into something. The angels will help you.
An orange feather reminds you to open your heart and be warm and welcoming.
A pink feather calls on you to give and receive love.
A yellow feather suggests you should think things through logically.
You may live in a location where there are no birds with bright plumage. In that case if the angels want to bring you a special message a dyed feather will appear in your life!
Taken from The Archangel Guide to the Animal World.

May angels shine their light on you
Ashwini Chube
Urja Wellness n Joy
The Unicorn Group


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