10 commandments for being closer to your higher self in 2016

What is higher self?
Higher self or "Aatman" in Sanskrit means the best or the highest version of yourself which is like the real self or your intelligent self which knows its mission or life purpose.It know what you REALLY want whether the world believes in you or not. It does not get offended or angry or scared and unconditionally loves everyone.But how do you connect to it. Although there are many ways to connect , the best thing to do would be to be closest to your real self. 

Following would be the best tips to connect 

1) Daily spend time atleast 10 mins absolutely alone even if you are busiest. This will help introspect
2) Write gratitude list daily:-) this attracts more blessings 
3) Do atleast 20 mins of any cardiovascular exercise of your choice  to feel your heartbeats (yes they exist) . Ofcourse unless you are having any cardiac issues, consult your doctor then.
4) Eat only when you are hungry and not because you are bored or your friend/child/spouse is eating. This will stop you from eating that junk . Eat lot of greens and fruits. People will ask you in just 10 days why your skin is glowing. 
5) Avoid toxic people ; read as the ones who belittle you or pull you in their drama or just need you to be a punching bag. Spend time both personally or on phone/chat/media with only those who have your best intestinal in mind
6) Yoga is a boon,chase it.whether you are a man or a woman or an animal ( yes pets do love it :-p) do a lot of yoga. It cleans your chakras naturally and helps you look fresher and better. You ll look different and fresh.Trust me , people have asked me if I have undergone a plastic surgery after 6 months of yoga
7) Drink water as if it is the free alcohol served at you boss's party:
Simple but best way to detox. The more you drink, the better you are
8) Meditate . Sit calmly in a room where you wont be disturbed and just breathe. Put a 5 mins alarm if you want. Practise increasing the duration. You may light a candle if you want.
9) Smile more.It doesnt cost you money!!! Even if the person infront of you doesn't smile back. He/She needs the smile more:-)
10) Love more.Be it your parents, siblings , your partner, your friends, just love them. Well if your question is "how to love them ?" ,do all from point 1-9 regularly, daily and you ll get the answer:-)

Wishing you a fantastic 2016 full of joy and success:-)


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