Divine Guidance
Why did the Pandavas win the battle of Mahabharat? They were brave.. They were determined..they were fighting for their rights.. But this was not sufficient., there was something more they had What we would call ad the divine guidance They had the firm support of the Lord himself.. And wherever there is divine support, nothing can go wrong. Shri Krishna guided Arjun to break the cycle of fear and worries and to ho ahead and fight the battle. Arjun was a great warrior, but he was a human being like you and me. He had his own fears,concerns, insecurities. He had his own share of ' what ifs' and ' hows' But he still stood firm and fought the battle. This could only happen because he followed the divine guidance To quote a verse from Geeta, in Sanskrit( the ancient Indian language) "yatra yogeshwara krishno yatra partho dhanurdharah tatra shrirvijayo bhutihi dhruvanitir matir mama " Which is translated as "Where there is Sri Krishna, the Lord of Yoga and Ar...