Impact of Solstice Gateway 21/06/20
Impact of Solstice Gateway 21/06/20 As we walk through this big gateway of the Solar Eclipse on the New moon of Solstice - a huge portal is opening up for us all . It is also celebrated as Fathers Day - with father sky witnessing this transformation We are entering a new place. A new vibration and a new era - transmuting fear to love,transmuting separation consciousness to union consciousness, transmuting ego for God and transmuting uncertainty for possibilities. In the next 5-10 years - many of you will find their calling and pursue it. Many will migrate or reverse migrate and will be comfortable in their own shell. The ones who choose will unite with their divine partners. The third dimensional world has fallen apart - and as we move to the 5th dimension we all will be given a choice- Whether to be in 4th or 5th or even higher dimensions. Those sticking to old 3rd dimensional ways might face a lot of difficulty. So like a caterpillar emerge out. Your wings are already the...