
Showing posts from June, 2018

My big dream comes true- a Zumba Fitness instructor

As a child I was not very strong and never athletic. I was a good student academically but I have not so good memories of school sports. I remember when - forget winning I couldn’t even complete a school running race and I cried when I went home. My mum gave me a hug and told me- its ok and one day or the other I ll be strong enough to run and exercise. During my final year of graduation I suffered from acute migraines and was continuously on medications for almost 2 years. It not only impacted my performance in college but also made me gain excess weight.I was so irritated of taking medicines and showing very little improvements but being bombarded with side effects like excess sleep and gain of weight.One fine day I decided to stop taking medicines. I remember telling my parents. "It is okay even if I die but I refuse to take any of these medications” I stopped taking medicines since then. My migraines reduced and I started feeling better. I started using alternate techniqu...

Night Routine

What do you do before you fall asleep? Your subconscious mind is active before you fall asleep and first thing when you wake up in the morning. Make sure you choose what you do then very carefully as it sets a very powerful impact on your life. Many of us unknowningly go to bed angry, worrying or fearful ..Then many watch aggressive movies or disturbing tv series or even spend time on the phone gossiping or judging others .. And worst is just before many people sleep they cr iticise themselves and keep thinking of everything that went wrong. Eventually many fall in the viscous circle of chemical/ alcohol to fall asleep All these subconsciously sublimely affect our mind and eventually the body and thus can be seeds sown for long term illness which may appear very later in life and which are termed as age related problems So what is the best thing you can do? - Pray - Express Gratitude to the universe - Listen to soft music or meditations - Hydrate yourself with a cup of warm wate...

Do you stop when hit by a speed breaker?

When you are driving on the road and you encounter a speed breaker. Do you stop and crib that your “ drive is terrible or unfair “ or cry and feel miserable about driving. Or do you feel its a part of the journey. A good driver would see a speed breaker from distance reduce his speed a bit so that the ride doesn’t get bumpy and return back to the speed once you pass the speed breaker. A good driver knows how to handle a speed breaker. Sometimes speed breakers only save you from accidents. So remember stay calm when you see them. Life is like that. Imagine when you are working on your goals and all of sudden face a bumpy breaker. Do you give up and say it is impossible to achieve or do you just tweak your life to find a way? Do you understand that they are just speed breakers and have patience and faith. And understand life is a journey and no matter what you ll achieve your goals! Remember that no matter how much tired you are in life and whatever difficulties come up just s...

Do you recharge yourself as much as you recharge your phone?

The first thing you do in the morning before you leave for work is charging your phone isn’t it? We are so concerned about our phone being charged so that we don’t face any inconvenience. Most of us carry our chargers along in our bag too and have a portable power bank as well. Oh so lucky are our phones. And when we see battery in red we see to it that we immediately plug in our chargers. But imagine you cared similarly for yourself. What if you saw your battery in red and charged yourself. The reds in your own battery are the times you feel tired,drained,bored,breathless,upset,angry emotional etc. Those are indicators that something is not very right. Look carefully and evaluate your life. Do you need to recharge? Many times all we do to conserve our battery is shutting off multiple apps - turning 3G/4G off - putting the phone on airplane mode - reducing the brightness etc. How about doing that to yourself 1) Find out Activities which do not serve you anymore and are redun...