How does Energy medicine work
So how does Energy Medicine work - Everything is energy and there are atoms molecules everywhere - When you tap into the quantum field of energy and use your mind to create a favourable outcome using affirmations and visualisations you tap into that energy of the favourable outcome eg: Mr Xyz is healed and healthy - You keep affirming it even if there are little or no changes - Sometimes even the reports might say there are no changes and there isn’t any cure - Days pass and you keep focus only on the outcome that the person is 100% normal or fit - Meanwhile you see what are the underlying emotions which has caused this ailment - As an energy medicine practitioner you never tell your clients to stop or change medicines - You still ask them to visualise them as perfect and healthy - In the higher realms now your client is fully healthy and fit - Someone either goes to a new physician for a second opinion or the original physician changes drugs - This time it works overnight...