I am a rock
I once went to the seashore to watch the sunset. There I sat on a rock.the waves were ushering in and out. 'Dont you feel threatened?' I asked the rock ' Well , I would be lying if I was saying no. ' she said to me' "Who doesnt get scared.The waves splash against me every moment. I sometimes feel they can wash me off. But I stand solid . I dont move and dont allow the waves to affect me.Apart from that there are so many storms. Windstorm, hailstorm,hurticanes, torrential rains. All try to break me , wither me. But i stand solid. I dont let others break me. I am not just a rock but a piece of earth difficult to break And even if I break into pieces , i keep them close. When the time comes I gather all the broken pieces and become me, myself"