
"Head Friends" to Soul Family: My Journey of Claiming my High Self worth version

  In 2009 and 2010, I had a theory (a rather naïve one, I must admit) that there are two types of friends: "heart friends" and "head friends." Heart friends, I believed, were the ones who always supported you, agreed with everything you said, and encouraged you to follow your heart. Head friends, on the other hand, were the ones who criticized you, pointed out what they thought was right, and told you what they believed was the best course of action. My younger self thought we needed both types in our lives. What was I thinking?! Fifteen years later, I realize that this theory was one of the biggest misconceptions I had created in my mind. The truth is, we don’t need "head friends" at all. They often lead us into self-doubt by imposing their views on us, making us believe that their perspective is the only right one. Over the years, I had friends who gaslighted me into thinking I was stupid, careless, not good enough, self-centered, childish, or overly opt

🌟 Manifesting My Perfect Fitness Trainer: The Power of Access Consciousness and Law of Attraction 🌟

The Law of Attraction is always at work, effortlessly bringing into our lives what we project into the universe. This principle became vividly clear during my quest for a personal fitness trainer. For months, after beginning my journey with intermittent fasting, I sought a fitness trainer to help with strength training. My sister had been urging me to start, but my past experiences with trainers in Mumbai left me hesitant. Many had body-shamed me, fixated on limitations rather than possibilities, and constantly compared my body to others. These experiences made me skeptical, leading me to believe the kind of fitness trainer I needed didn't exist. To overcome this, I turned to the tools of Access Consciousness. I began clearing my negative perceptions and releasing the limitations I had about fitness trainers. I kept asking questions and inquiring within my circle, hoping to find a trainer who could come to my home gym and understand my unique needs. Despite extensive Google searche

Understanding the Role of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in Attracting your Dream Job

What is the Reticular Activating System (RAS)? The Reticular Activating System, or RAS, is a network of neurons located in the brainstem that plays a crucial role in regulating arousal and consciousness. Its primary function is to filter the massive amount of sensory information we receive every second, allowing only the most important data to reach our conscious mind. This selective focus helps us navigate and make sense of the world around us. How the RAS Helps Us Attract What We Want Imagine you’ve decided to buy a red car. Suddenly, it feels like red cars are everywhere! This phenomenon isn’t because there are more red cars on the road, but because your RAS has been activated to notice them. Your brain now prioritizes this information, making it seem like red cars are more prevalent. Forming Our Own Mind's Algorithm The RAS works similarly to algorithms used by Amazon, Google, or Instagram. These platforms track your interests and behaviors to show you relevant content. Likewis

Recognizing and Handling Burnout at Work: A Guide for Corporates

  Burnout is a significant issue in today’s fast-paced corporate environment, affecting productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall well-being. Here are seven signs that you might be experiencing burnout at work and seven strategies to handle it. 7 Signs You Are Burnt Out at Work Chronic Fatigue       Persistent tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.       If you constantly feel exhausted despite getting adequate sleep, it could be a sign of burnout. This kind of fatigue is not just physical but also mental and emotional, leaving you feeling drained. Decreased Productivity       Struggling to complete tasks that once felt manageable.       You may notice a decline in the quality and quantity of your work. Simple tasks can become overwhelming, and deadlines might start to slip as your efficiency drops. Detachment       Feeling disconnected from your job and colleagues.       Burnout can lead

French Diaries: A Metaphysical Journey

French Diaries: Metaphysical Insights from the Heart of France Welcome to French Diaries, a series of posts chronicling my transformative journey through France in June 2024. I'm Ashwini, and together with my sister Anagha, we embarked on an adventure that transcended mere sightseeing, delving into the metaphysical essence of each location we visited. Throughout our travels, we encountered places that resonated with profound energy, anchoring new light codes within us and elevating our consciousness. Each destination served as a catalyst for spiritual growth, infusing us with frequencies that continue to integrate into our being. A Journey Beyond the Physical France is renowned for its rich history, breathtaking architecture, and vibrant culture. However, our journey sought to uncover the deeper, often unseen layers of these places. From the ancient stones of Mont-Saint-Michel to the serene beauty of Pyrennes, each destination revealed its own metaphysical significance, inviting us

Beyond Limiting Beliefs: The Story of Akio Morita and the Walkman

  Beyond Limiting Beliefs: The Story of Akio Morita and the Walkman In the bustling post-war era of Japan, a visionary named Akio Morita co-founded a company that would later become synonymous with innovation—Sony. Morita, a man with an unyielding belief in the power of the human mind, constantly pushed the boundaries of what was deemed possible. In the late 1970s, Morita observed a growing trend: people wanted to enjoy music privately and on the go, but the existing portable audio devices were cumbersome and far from personal. The idea of a compact, personal music player that could be carried anywhere was unheard of at the time. The prevailing belief was that such a device wouldn't be commercially viable; after all, who would want to carry around a bulky tape player just for personal use? But Morita saw beyond these limiting beliefs. He envisioned a future where music could be enjoyed intimately, without disturbing others, and where freedom of movement was complemented by a person

The Reasons why Only 1% of People Achieve Their Goals and live in Mastery

In today's world, achieving true success and reaching one's goals is a feat accomplished by only a small fraction of the population. Studies and observations indicate that approximately 1% of people attain significant success and walk towards mastery, while 60% remain in a state of mere survival, and 29% languish in mediocrity. The primary reasons for this disparity are a lack of self-discipline and pervasive self-doubt. The Role of Self-Discipline Self-discipline is the ability to control one's emotions, behaviors, and desires in the face of external demands, to achieve a greater goal. It is the cornerstone of success. Without self-discipline, individuals are prone to procrastination, distraction, and giving up when faced with challenges. Successful individuals, on the other hand, demonstrate consistent effort, resilience, and the ability to stay focused on their long-term goals despite short-term setbacks. The Impact of Self-Doubt Self-doubt is a powerful internal barrier